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Mark LaFountain

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Ole and Sven die in a snowmobiling accident, drunker than skunks, and go to Hell. The Devil observes that they are really enjoying themselves.


He says to them: “Doesn’t the heat and smoke bother you?”


Ole replies, “Vell, ya know, ve’re from nordern Minnesooota, da land of snow an ice, an ve’re yust happy fer a chance ta varm up a little bit, ya know.”


The devil decides that these two aren’t miserable enough and turns up the heat even more. When he returns to the room of the two guys from Minnesota , the devil finds them in light jackets and hats, grilling Walleye and drinking beer.


The devil is astonished and exclaims, “Everyone down here is in abject misery, and you two seem to be enjoying yourselves?”


Sven replies, “Vell, ya know, ve don’t git too much varm veather up dere at da Falls, so ve’ve yust got ta haff a fish fry vhen da veather’s dis nice.”


The devil is absolutely furious. He can hardly see straight. Finally he comes up with the answer. The two guys love the heat because they have been cold all their lives. The devil decides to turn all the heat off in Hell. The next morning, the temperature is 60 below zero, icicles are hanging everywhere, and people are shivering so bad that they are unable to wail, moan or gnash their teeth.


The devil smiles and heads for the room with Ole and Sven. He gets there and finds them back in their parkas, bomber hats, and mittens. They are jumping up and down, cheering, yelling and screaming like mad men.


The devil is dumbfounded, “I don’t understand, when I turn up the heat you’re happy. Now its freezing cold and you’re still happy. What is wrong with you two?”


They both look at the devil in surprise and say, “Vell, don’t ya know, if hell is froze over, dat must mean da Vikings von da Super Bowl.”



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I use a Note 3 with an Otterbox at work; it'll fit in your front pocket, technically. Far more comfortable in the back pocket, though.

Yikes, your pants are loose.

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Screen size, and functionality matter the most to me. SD card is a big benefit, but nothing else.

Note 4 is the Caddy of smart phones. Just too big for my pockets

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No shit. My wallet is 2" thick.

More than anyone I know,I feel Sean is the best at minimizing his extra stuff.

Ha, and I have a fuckload of shit. Necessity taught me well.

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Problem with the house is that I have space so the stuff I am supposed to get rid of never gets listed for sale.

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In the past hour we just had our biggest snowfall for the year. More than an inch already. Still coming down hard. I may not work tomorrow.

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I brought some snow fall into the cities for you Sean.

Thanks! It needs to continue like this for another 8 hours!!

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In the past hour we just had our biggest snowfall for the year. More than an inch already. Still coming down hard. I may not work tomorrow.

Wish I could lay out tomorrow!!!!

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I can't really either, but skipping the morning won't mean anything as what needs to get done will. I have a couple conference calls with Europe, but if the snow continues I'll just get up earlier to get that done.

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Taking care of my Japanese follow up right now!

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Probably won't pull a full day off either as I am sure by tomorrow afternoon the snow will be shot assuming we get enough to play in.

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I can't really either, but skipping the morning won't mean anything as what needs to get done will. I have a couple conference calls with Europe, but if the snow continues I'll just get up earlier to get that done.

This is my 5th week straight with no day off...I got off at 2:00pm today and still have 69.5hrs for the week the least hours I have worked in 5 weeks..

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I sort of want one of these:


Only because it means NO work. Way too fucking much money, I'd prefer it to be up front, but I can bolt this in and only worry about the front stage which in reality is all I care about. Don't get me wrong I want enough bass to keep up with my mids, but that is all that is necessary

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I can't really either, but skipping the morning won't mean anything as what needs to get done will. I have a couple conference calls with Europe, but if the snow continues I'll just get up earlier to get that done.

Wish all I had to do was make calls..Lucky fucker!!!

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Second in charge of the company and still have to work harder then the temps sad.png

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Screen size, and functionality matter the most to me. SD card is a big benefit, but nothing else.

Note 4 is the Caddy of smart phones. Just too big for my pockets

Some men's pockets are bigger than others.....

I have been against Samsung since the S3. I'll have to check it out again.

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That is how it works btw

Should not though really..But guess that is how the cookie crumbles sad.png

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I sort of want one of these:


Only because it means NO work. Way too fucking much money, I'd prefer it to be up front, but I can bolt this in and only worry about the front stage which in reality is all I care about. Don't get me wrong I want enough bass to keep up with my mids, but that is all that is necessary

I can't do stereo stuff in the Bummer.


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That is how it works btw

I'll do half your work for 30% of the pay.


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That is how it works btw

I'll do half your work for 30% of the pay.



Deal here!!biggrin.png

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I am looking for suggestions on a SSD...Fixing to purchase one from Newegg.. Thought I might get opinions first.




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Screen size, and functionality matter the most to me. SD card is a big benefit, but nothing else.

Note 4 is the Caddy of smart phones. Just too big for my pockets

Some men's pockets are bigger than others.....

I have been against Samsung since the S3. I'll have to check it out again.

Some men just have small pockets and tight pants making anything in their pockets stick out like all hell.


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