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Mark LaFountain

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The internet is for bench racing/Dick measurements, cat videos and trolling.

I was all out of things to measure, no cat videos, so I had to start up the troll motor.


My trolling motor has been running all week.

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Scored some JBL CONTROL 25's this week. That 5.5" must have one hell of an ass. Things are crazy heavy.

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You guys are so emotional.

Your cycle all synchronized or something?


Nope. I just consider culture to be a broad spectrum of things. Not just one small area.

As it all started though, I consider the food in Epcot to be well done in certain aspects. Sean on the other hand does not. Agree to disagree.


But your explanation was less funny, or antagonistic.
Well shit. I was not trying to be antagonistic, and was blind to it coming across that way.

Sean I apologize for being antagonistic.


You are being too nice. I was saying you aren't antagonistic enough. I'm making light of the whole thing.

I was being an asshole to make a joke.

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......I'm going to be late for work...this whole not sleeping through the night thing is killin me.

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I dare guess more of the world travels to see a Disney park than they travel to see higher end cultural places.

Wow, just might be one of the dumbest things I have ever read on the internet. The world is idiotic, not that idiotic.
http://www.aecom.com/deployedfiles/Internet/Capabilities/Economics/_documents/2012%20Theme%20Index%20Combined_1-1_online.pdfDisney has a higher attendance rate than the top world wide museums. What other kind of culture gets 13 million visitors a year?J
Paris as a city gets way more, hell the fucking Louvre which is what 0.05% the size of Disney World gets nearly 10 Million. Your statement above was 'visiting culture' in which it is horribly outnumbers. By more than an order of magnitude.By the way, Disney is not culture it is sickening American shit that is akin to McPukes. Lack of culture perhaps, not culture.
Considering Disney is in Orlando http://www.ibtimes.com/orlando-surpasses-new-york-most-visited-us-city-1574621Paris does get more but not as much of a gap as may be expected. http://www.thelocal.fr/20140311/paris-still-worlds-top-tourist-destinationAnd for ParisHigh end cultural places. That would be a museum, the ballet, orchestra's or the theatre.Disney is still culture by definition. While it may not stack up to your level of what is good culture, it still is.J
Culture - the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=cultureDisney doesn't make that cut, if you think it does that is seriously sad. Very sad.44 million people travel to Paris a year. All of them to experience the culture of the city. Orlando has NONE. May have visitors, but they aren't there for a cultural experience.

Human intellectual achievement can mean many things. Do you consider the arts such as music, illustration, dance, and literature pieces of culture? Disney has provided all of those things.

Yes Millions of people visit Paris. I do not dispute this fact. But what aspects of culture do you think they are there for? Additionally the meaning of 'culture' changes by environment. The world's fair back 60+ years ago was considered a cultural wonder. Something everyone should experience. Now it has been dwindled down to sluts in skimpy clothing plugging a product they have no fucking clue about. Is that cultural? All depends on where you live.


Hillbilly idiots akin to what you find in Deliverance are culture by your definition.

You are making me feel sorry for you J.

Honestly, your view of culture, based on your arguments, is exceptionally narrow minded.


I will agree with J on these points. The "culture" in Paris sucks dick... and yes, I have been there. Collections of art and culture from artists outside of France does not constitute Paris as a cultural godsend, no matter how impressive the Louvre is. The majority of that art is from Italy anyways.


And fuck Parisians, the giggly girls at Disney are far more polite and receptive than anyone I met in that stinky shithole that houses the Eiffel Tower.

So a desire of education is narrow minded. That's funny.

Paris, Rome, Tokyo - doesn't matter which. Just ain't idiotic Disneyworld crap. Really easy to define and understand, just look at the average person desiring to go there. Sure Paris attracts a ton of dipshits, but nothing compared to things like State Fairs which are akin to Disney.

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The people in Paris were an order of magnitude nicer than the people in Rome.

Outside of the family and their friends in Rome. The family was the most hospitable I have ever seen in my life. Street people were just one step away from rude. In Paris only one person was rude the whole time.

28 years ago when I first visited it wasn't that way, but today most definitely. In particular they appreciate Americans.

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I did almost nothing touristy in Paris aside from Versailles however.

Exactly. Cultural experience, not fake BS.

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The guests quite honestly are more often than not assclowns.

Ding ding ding. Assclown culture. Sweet, where do I sign up?

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As it all started though, I consider the food in Epcot to be well done in certain aspects. Sean on the other hand does not. Agree to disagree.

You need to travel up here. Although it'll ruin the South for you.

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You guys are so emotional.

Your cycle all synchronized or something?


Nope. I just consider culture to be a broad spectrum of things. Not just one small area.

As it all started though, I consider the food in Epcot to be well done in certain aspects. Sean on the other hand does not. Agree to disagree.


But your explanation was less funny, or antagonistic.

Well shit. I was not trying to be antagonistic, and was blind to it coming across that way.

Sean I apologize for being antagonistic.


No worries, not my goal either. Amusingly the narrow minded comment is particularly funny to me as my whole reaction is to encouraging thinking. I am biased though because I've been to a huge percentage of the globe. It is not possible to port over a culture to another area to then perceive it. Just doesn't work that way.

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Why did you do that peng


Can't get a smartphone that will hold 160GB. Meh.

My wives will. Hell any of the new ones can.

128gb microSD and a 32gb phone. I guess it is more like 158 as the bloatware wastes a bit.

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Seriously though, put Epcot in perspective.

I want to see Paris, but don't want to go there so I will go see one city block of it and now feel I understand France, it's food & it's people?

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Then they know the average tourist is Joe Dirt so they have to dumb down the buildings, the art, the scenery and the food. I just can't see how that could possibly be appealing to anyone and what sort of lack of education makes this desirable.

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People want to feel a part of something the cannot/will not experience.

I don't think Walt had what it has turned into in mind when he made the place, but he was kind a weird so who knows.

John Galt.

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It's probably misguided Sean, but as you said, your unique perspective lends itself to understanding you cannot transport culture no matter how good or bad of a job you do.

I can see it as a little bit like my love of travel food shows. It's a bit of art that lets me have an experience that I don't have the ability to on a daily basis.

It's kind of like settling, so in that way it sucks, but I do have some form of beneficial catharsis.

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And to J, I think what Sean is describing is kind of like if you met someone who talked to you about your experiences at war and tried to connect based on playing Call of Duty, or some other game like that.

Places, names, similar symbolism, but it cannot come close to the reality of what the real experience is.

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No disrespect intended, by the way.

I just know a lot of controller commandos who think they have some idea of that experience. It is obvious that it isn't true.

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And to J, I think what Sean is describing is kind of like if you met someone who talked to you about your experiences at war and tried to connect based on playing Call of Duty, or some other game like that.

Places, names, similar symbolism, but it cannot come close to the reality of what the real experience is.

Actually that is an exceptional way to put it.

I simply see Epcot as a teaser, a taste, a hint of their country and culture. For me they have a section that is themed to be a part of the Middle East (which country they call it escapes me) but the sounds and smells trigger certain memories. Mostly positive ones. Is it even close to spot on? No fucking way. Does it do the job for a moment? Yes.


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You guys are so emotional.Your cycle all synchronized or something?:-)

Nope. I just consider culture to be a broad spectrum of things. Not just one small area.As it all started though, I consider the food in Epcot to be well done in certain aspects. Sean on the other hand does not. Agree to disagree.J
But your explanation was less funny, or antagonistic.
Well shit. I was not trying to be antagonistic, and was blind to it coming across that way.Sean I apologize for being antagonistic.J
No worries, not my goal either. Amusingly the narrow minded comment is particularly funny to me as my whole reaction is to encouraging thinking. I am biased though because I've been to a huge percentage of the globe. It is not possible to port over a culture to another area to then perceive it. Just doesn't work that way.

I take it as an encouragement of thought, and trust me debating this topic with you gets the gears turning. Needless to say my mind hasn't been quite right lately anyways.


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The guests quite honestly are more often than not assclowns.

Ding ding ding. Assclown culture. Sweet, where do I sign up?

What I meant by assclowns is rude and pushy. Oddly enough the worst of these groups are from France, Italy, and worst of all Brazil. They act as if they own the park. Those are the people who I have termed assclowns.


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As it all started though, I consider the food in Epcot to be well done in certain aspects. Sean on the other hand does not. Agree to disagree.

You need to travel up here. Although it'll ruin the South for you.

Considering my limited palate, I do not know as if it would. Especially since I despise seafood.


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Tough soccer game last night.  Multiple times I was very frustrated as I was shutting down their best shooter every time stuffing shots or making secondary saves, but as soon as I would start a break forward, we just had nothing going or I was getting doubled up defensively and someone was not covering my drop.  I need to keep leaning down so its not a thing of hanging with 21-25 year old's, it can be surpassing them again.  Also, personally very frustrated with myself as playing with a fractured toe on my shooting foot, essentially takes my power threat away.

Are you at least wrapping it well?


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Tough soccer game last night.  Multiple times I was very frustrated as I was shutting down their best shooter every time stuffing shots or making secondary saves, but as soon as I would start a break forward, we just had nothing going or I was getting doubled up defensively and someone was not covering my drop.  I need to keep leaning down so its not a thing of hanging with 21-25 year old's, it can be surpassing them again.  Also, personally very frustrated with myself as playing with a fractured toe on my shooting foot, essentially takes my power threat away.


You will get there, just keep on working.

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......I'm going to be late for work...this whole not sleeping through the night thing is killin me.


I know what it is like, the not sleeping thing that is. ;)

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someone has some shit to sell




But he's not selling it here.




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