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abridged version of why mechanical?

Dome keys are harder on your tendons. They must reach their maximum travel to engage the switch. The rest is personal preference really.

Shorter throw usually, wears better and lasts longer. So there is some performance and value to it also.

Can be less resistance when you key depending on the type of Key. I think I want Cherry brand Reds, softer with no mid stroke detent so you cab "double tap faster".

The blues have a mid stroke detent than you can feel. The detent is felt and heard to signify the point where the switch in the key actuates so you can release the key before ever coming to the bottom of the keys travel. Less jarring and so typists love that style.

I use cherry mx red keys. Imo they're the best.

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I've never owned one, but with the 99 dollar 5 year warranty knowing that it'll give me at least 5 years is good enough for me. The picture was nice in person.

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Not saying it is worth $100 more, if it were the same price I'd do it blindly.

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I have a 51" Samsung that has been great.

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my 55 is a sammy 240hz 3d and also been great

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it's also only 120hz.  Doesn't cover the full viewing spectrum of possibilities.


I'm real picky when it comes to something that is to be used all the time.


In my opinion, If you want to use a TV, no 3d and the main watching television, i'd be looking for 240hz.


IF it's for the bedroom, 120hz is fine for light to casual watching.


I'm not going to be brand biased as i do not know LGs potential off hand but I do know Samsung and Panasonic are pretty top notch in the TV market.


They offer many lines of the same size so you get the TV that fits your needs.  

Samsung has MANY lines of televisions to fill the gap for everyone's needs and budget.

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Considering I don't really ever watch it, the wife doesn't care so much, but when I do it is likely local sports which means hockey I am weighing cost versus piss me off.

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That being said I can't say I've ever seen hockey on a 120Hz tv.

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Just remember guys.. If you ever get into 3d tvs, make sure whatever you are "used to watching" on your current 2d TV, double the refresh rate for 3d.


120hz 2d = 240hz 3d.

240hz 2d = 480hz 3d.


Not doing so will half the perceived refresh rate and you will not like it.


I haven't personally watched any, but i'd always been a fan of active plasma 3d by Panasonic Viera series.

Plasmas are of the highest refresh rate of 600hz and the picture was awesome.


I am biased towards panasonic's plasmas in one specific reason.


When Pioneer shut down their TV line, many of the engineers that designed Pioneers high-end Plasma TVs went to Panasonic to resurrect the Plasma technology.


Panasonic has been booming ever since.


Of course Panasonic doesn't sell $7,000 55" tvs either but what they do sell is awesome.


Let's not forget that Panasonic was also the first to make a 150" 4000p TV.  

Of Course it's not on their website so it may have been a marketing stunt but still a unique design.

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I don't understand the point of high HZ TV. But I don't give a shit about 3D.

Your eye can't see the difference. It's a lot like sub 50" set up 16 feet away and people thinking 1080 will net them a benefit.

I want a good image with minimal blur. A higher HZ doesn't help to reduce blur. Especially since no content refreshes that fast anyway.

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4k might be cool if it actually accepts and draws the data for each claimed pixel.

Make for a pretty sweet monitor.

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We have a 4k theater in town now.. but seriously.. it still doesnt even look 1080.  


Televisions are still far more crisp than the projectors..  One day.. one day.. theaters will be epic... 

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Look at the sieke it's 120Hz 4k for 800ish

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We have a 4k theater in town now.. but seriously.. it still doesnt even look 1080.

Televisions are still far more crisp than the projectors.. One day.. one day.. theaters will be epic...

You haven't seen some of the best projectors. Theater projectors don't hold a candle to what some of the current models can do for the private cinema.

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Anyway, the human eye, like all of our senses, is only as sensitive as the scale and relationships with it's surrounding.

A generic FPS number is about as useful as a generic pixel count. Though resolution is a much more tangible value than frequency.

Our eyes are technically sensitive only to motion, and fluid motion only takes about 20hz(frames per second). I'm not saying that is ideal, but it's fluid motion in a general generic setting.

If strobed we can notice a single flash of light in the dark at about 1/550 of a second and make out basic images. But it's almost imperceptible if that flash happened at the same light level as the ambient.

We also only see details with what I remember to be a 6degree angle of vision. And again only if the image(either our eyes or the subject) is in motion. Our peripheral vision however is more .... Sensitive, or maybe attuned, to notice frequency and subtle intensity changes in any given image.

This is why lifeguards constantly scan. It allows the pereferal and accute focus to be utilized at it's maximum.

We also only perceive patterns. Our eye to brain coordination can actually completely tune out things that do not belong to a pattern that we expect. Common problem with deer "comming out of nowhere" it was unexpected and not something part of the pattern of the road, and so we miss the data.

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Something that our eyes really do a great job of is handling dynamic ISO. Our eyes can see both dark detail and bright detail within a huge huge huge spread.

This has always been a problem with photography, and why HDR when done properly is so awesome. Our displays however can only handle so much. But that is why some of those top of the line plasmas are the balls. The Kuro pioneers, I think that was the name, looks so uncanny because of their skills at handling blacks and low light with bright spot dynamics. Most TV'S, and projectors can now scale up or scale down the overall image brightness, or they can maybe have one area have less backlight than another, but the actual dynamic range isn't even close to our eyes.

So a TV that can handle blacks well, have a fast white to black and black to white speed will always be the most desirable. Assuming that the fast on/off pixel speed is put to good use by good image management software/hardware to handle motion blur. Add a really large dynamic range and that will be a sexy TV.

Hz don't matter much at all and neither does resolution unless you are pushing the boundary of your eyes relative scale and that is right about 80hz and a 60" at 12' with 1080.

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holy tits spammers

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abridged version of why mechanical?

Dome keys are harder on your tendons. They must reach their maximum travel to engage the switch. The rest is personal preference really.

Shorter throw usually, wears better and lasts longer. So there is some performance and value to it also.

Can be less resistance when you key depending on the type of Key. I think I want Cherry brand Reds, softer with no mid stroke detent so you cab "double tap faster".

The blues have a mid stroke detent than you can feel. The detent is felt and heard to signify the point where the switch in the key actuates so you can release the key before ever coming to the bottom of the keys travel. Less jarring and so typists love that style.


I never ever once thought of my tendons, but of course now my keystrokes are less than a gamer, but still a lot. They make them in Ergo?



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Hope the hospital has a black Friday deal on delivery.


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