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Order #930 REXXX recone + basket

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Hey Shawn and everyone @ Ficaraudio.com,

First of all I would like to compliment on the new ordering process and how you give an order status with each order placed. Its very promising that my order is going to be completed as quickly as possible when you guys send me emails of confirmation and order status. Awesome to see this!

I have a question about my order as Shawn, you emailed me about the basket price not being included in my total. I do want to buy the basket from you guys,(can I get an old school silver one=]) I just don't know how you want me to pay you guys...do you have a paypal I can send money to?

I also have a dilemma with my order, as I ordered a dual 2 ohm resistance and would like to change it to Dual 1 ohm. However, I'm not sure if the original Motor, having dual 2 ohm soft parts, would be universal to change impedance. I was planning on trading my mmats d300hc for a DD M2a, so I could run 1 ohm, but the trade didn't happen. So if you haven't started the machining of this recone, and could change the impedance for me that would be fantastic. (Saying that the impedance of these motors can be changed) Sorry for any inconvienence, but if this change could go through that would be great. Let me know on how to pay you guys for the basket as well. Send me a message on here or email me @ [email protected].



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Taken care of.

Got my recone in today. It was shipped very fast, like 10 business days, but there is a problem.... Its the wrong impedance. I checked the leads multiple times and even used a different dmm to make sure my chinese one was working properly. There was no labeling on the coil identifying the model or resistance. If you could contact me about this as soon as you get a chance that would be great. Thanks

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I will get you another recone out, I never saw the email, but It here on the forum that I replied to it, when I was at home, and I didnt change the coil configuration when I got to work the next day, so I take full responsibility for it.


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Greg I sent you over another email just now with the build invoice, just check it over and make sure everything is correct, and I will get it in the build queue for you.


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