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Quentin Jarrell

Ethos 12 and 15 pre order

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Can you let me\us know when the preorder resumes because so far your Ethos fits my application.

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As soon as I get the drivers in my hands ill start the sale. ETA 20th-25th. This is so I can manually test and look over the motors to make sure all is a-ok.

The sale will last for 14 days.

I will post sale pricing this coming week once I am 100 percent certain of the MAP pricing on the product. The sale price will be $50 cheaper than MAP.

Both sale price and MAP price will be SHIPPED.

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Quentin, I must have missed this, but are you hand assembling these?

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Yea, the Chinese (from what I'm told) do not have a magnetizer strong enough to saturate large motors so there are sent here dead.

I personally will not do the assembly as I don't have the man power. My US supplier will assemble a few pallets at a time and send them to me.

When I receive them ill verify rub and buzz and parameters with DATS before they ship to customers. That is until next year when budget allows me to per chase a Klippel QC analyzer.

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Damn it Quentin! You're making my decision on which subs to go with harder! I wish I was in the position to go ahead & grab some of these 15's when they're released :( You may be sending 6 my way in a few months. I'm waiting on the final rms rating to decide my direction with amplification. It will either be 1 additional 3.5k to strap or a 3rd 3.5k to run per pair. Maybe I'll wait for Shizzzy to give me a demo ;)

Btw-eta on the 18" version? Sorry if I've missed it.

Edited by chicagofan

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