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Jacob / Brandon GONE 1/5/13 to 1/14/13

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Both Brandon and I will be out of town from the 5th to the 14th this month (January 2013) for a business trip that involves CES and several other sub-trips while we are on the west coast.

Debbie will still be here on the phones and e-mail to process as many orders as possible (paperwork-wise). We will also still have Thomas in here in the build room and also the rest of our shipping and packing crew will still be here.

Some advanced or tricky questions / orders may be delayed while we are away but most "standard" work should be handled without much issue.

Both Brandon and I will do some e-mailing in the evenings from our hotels; as much as possible. We are both still a bit behind from Christmas and New Years as well. If you have an e-mail that is more than ~5-6 days old, though, please re-send it and we'll try to get to it ASAP.

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