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Crescendo Logic AGM Batteries

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Crescendo (Logic) is launching their AGM batts tomorrow. Specs & prices will be posted up tomorrow on their website. Really looking forward to seeing how these perform!

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How can you have a review or opinion on a product this new? It will take a year or more to get a full reliable review on a battery, unless they are just a POS.

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the price is right though! worth a try at least

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None of it will be useful. They will need time to be tested and see how they perform.

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My opinion.. We do not need anymore battery brands unless something new in science were discovered and implemented into this hobby...

Crescendo brand does price their equipment very competitively but something has me concerned here-

their G31 batt is $279 with FREE shipping.

That means the money they receive is actually lower than any other G31 car audio AGM batt out there which raises performance questions...

Most batteries are always built by the same source, just slight changes and that's it..

Same casing, same charge requirements, same cycle life practically, noticed they are using pure virgin lead like many others too, same wattage recommendations as XS.. but their aH is higher than XS..but without the added weight of it..

That is assumed that either the wattage recommendation or specs are inflated.

Simply put, your aH or reserve cannot increase without weight over another brand as battery manufacturing is all almost the same practically.

XS G31s are 77lbs, same as odyssey.. oops..

Dekas and kinetiks are just under 70lbs.

UPS batts and other cheaper batts require heavier weight, IE, larger aH ratings to reach the burst potential of XS, Odyssey, Stinger, Batcap, etc..

But since their batts defy battery logic.. i would say that i see no dieing need to use these when Diehard platinums are available with immediate warranty replacement.

And i have a funny feeling the Diehard's, despite published specs between the two, can probably sustain higher voltage on a burp.

But.. prove my thinking wrong.. i have done lots of research on batts and talked to several companies.. nothing extremely different changes from one brand to another.

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Looks like it compares to a XP3000, price is 30 bucks cheaper though. Need to load test comparison.

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I'm waiting for that, because I agree in part with shizzzon.

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Just an internet rumor but I heard they were built next to the kinetiks.

Just something I read in Facebook.

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crescendo is a direct sale brand so you can't compare their prices to others. Also, these are heavier than the kinetiks, so take that as you may.

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well, actually, i'm sure major brands of Enersys such as Odyssey have an enormous bulk order that surpasses any popular car audio branded agm batt recommmended on the forums.

I dont know kinetik specs by heart but compare the HC2400 to this. That batt is the G31.

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crescendo is a direct sale brand so you can't compare their prices to others. Also, these are heavier than the kinetiks, so take that as you may.

You sure can. Money is money. If that is the case then we wouldn't be able to compare chinese products to those made in the USA.

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Load test from another site....

Well the testing is done, finally... Here are the results

Crescendo logic f-31hp: 500a 30sec test starting voltage 13.1 dropped to 10.82 it was at 11.01 at the 15 sec mark.

Xs power d3100:500a 30sec test starting voltage 13.08 dropped to 10.89 at the 15 sec mark it was 11..09

Kinetik hc2400: 500a 30sec test starting voltage 12.96 dropped to 10.07 at the 15 sec mark it was at 10.41.

So there you have it crescendo has outdone itself again with a great battery at a even better price. I am personally gonna switch from kinetik to these logic f-31hp's. I'm going with a bank of eight to power my 2 ns-1's.I will also be doing a 300a tests on these same batteries. And by the way these were all new out the box batteries

Edited by jcarver

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i'm not going to suggest anything but XS Power already did a 30sec test on their D3100, Kinetik and something else, can't remember, shuriken i think.

Their test showed the kinetik like 10.6 i think, shuriken just a tad higher but the D3100 above 11.0v at the end.

They did this test one batt after another and i think XS was last(which without letting loader cool down will not give out as much current as what it can due to resistance).

IF the test posted above can be replicated closely again, then it's interesting.

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it was on caco. really trying to look into these cause ill be ordering some batts within the next month. i was planning on going with 2 deka 9a31s but not sure if i should do these instead.

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what site?

XS posted it on their YouTube ch too.

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it was on caco. really trying to look into these cause ill be ordering some batts within the next month. i was planning on going with 2 deka 9a31s but not sure if i should do these instead.

Dont use dekas. I would buy a sears platinum agm first.

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it was on caco. really trying to look into these cause ill be ordering some batts within the next month. i was planning on going with 2 deka 9a31s but not sure if i should do these instead.

Dont use dekas. I would buy a sears platinum agm first.


 just wondering, the dekas are over a hundred bucks cheaper in most cases.

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it was on caco. really trying to look into these cause ill be ordering some batts within the next month. i was planning on going with 2 deka 9a31s but not sure if i should do these instead.

Dont use dekas. I would buy a sears platinum agm first.


 just wondering, the dekas are over a hundred bucks cheaper in most cases.

Not rated vrey good!

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it was on caco. really trying to look into these cause ill be ordering some batts within the next month. i was planning on going with 2 deka 9a31s but not sure if i should do these instead.

Dont use dekas. I would buy a sears platinum agm first.

You do realize they are the exact same battery.

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After years of research, yellow material tends to cause sulfation in the battery quicker than normal.


The high quality outdoor vinyl graphic material the Diehards use prevent this type of premature failure to occur along with 3Ms high adhesion properties on the sticker coupled along with Sears warranty, Dekas can't stand a chance.

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