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Should I buy Discover G31 UPS Batteries??

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So I need to buy a battery for my 2012 Fusion. I wanted to buy the XS XP3000 but I came across these batts on ****. I can get 2 of these for the price of 1 XP3000. Which would you guys choose? The Discovers are 2.5 years old they say but are in excellent working order.

I have a 150A alt in it already. I have 2 Crescendo BC2000s and a kicker ZR1000 (which wont be used past like 200 rms).


This is the thread for them.

Please check it out and let me know what I should do.

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Personally I'm not a huge fan of USP batteries.

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Personally I'm not a huge fan of USP batteries.

Can I ask how come? I was just wondering if they would work good for my application. What are some brands that you think are good, other than XS Power? That way I can compare some to the XS ones.

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Personally I'm not a huge fan of USP batteries.

Can I ask how come? I was just wondering if they would work good for my application. What are some brands that you think are good, other than XS Power? That way I can compare some to the XS ones.

stinger compares.

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I'll look at some stinger ones. I was just thinkin it'd work out good, because I could get 2 for the price of 1 XP3000.

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UPS batteries are meant for low long draw.. We had a bank of 4 C&D UPS batteries (big ones) and we did a direct swap out on 2 D3100s and it was able to keep voltage higher for longer and we were actually a few tenths higher on the meter.

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UPS batts do not last as long as car audio AGM batteries do or automotive AGM batteries.

For any rechargeable battery, the more cycles they go through, the less it can hold a charge at a specified voltage that it once was able to.

that means eventually, if it rests at 13.1v, it will start resting at 13.0, 12.9v and so on and be considered fully charged.

ALL UPS batteries i have ever done research on are always the same thing...

They may share the same aH as the competition but they do not have as much MA(SCA) or PHCA unless they are much heavier in comparison to automotive AGM batteries.

Now, some people need not care about an extra ~20lbs for burst equivalent performance but the cycle life of these batteries is about 30 to sometimes over 50% LESS than automotive AGM batts.

the money you save now will be spent again in a couplefew years on replacing them due to deterioration and they are already 2.5yrs old. That's even worse.

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Also if you are interested in USP batteries I would look for a local reseller and pick them up for 60-70.

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Also if you are interested in USP batteries I would look for a local reseller and pick them up for 60-70.

that is the 2nd time you said USP batteries.

Do Not tell him about the United States Parcel batteries!

They are in constant transit and never get delivered.

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Also if you are interested in USP batteries I would look for a local reseller and pick them up for 60-70.

that is the 2nd time you said USP batteries.

Do Not tell him about the United States Parcel batteries!

They are in constant transit and never get delivered.

UPS, meh whatevs.

My local battery reseller sells the big ones for 60-70 ea, normally they can also get either telecom batteries or Dekas/rebadged dekas.

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ya, "reusable" dekas are the most effective and cheapest route to go with.

The problem is with the US, not all dealers in the US will continually accept reusables because of sales. They don't really make any profit if that's all they sell so a word of advice, don't go blabbing about reusable batts and trying to buy 20+ and requesting more all the time.

Our local dealer here stopped selling them for almost a year because of that but then recently got some more in after it all died down.

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Ohh ok I wont buy the UPS batts then. I keep hearing about the rebadged dekas and how people get them for so cheap locally. Where locally do you get them? I thought I heard people get thehm at battery stores that are all over.

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ours are sold direct thru deka distributor

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Sorry I'm confused about all the distributor thing. I found a Deka Distributor in Lansing, MI which is kinda near me. Is this what you guys get them from?

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yes, deka only dealer

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You guys get them for under 100 there??

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i know KY and IN can and i guess Missouri can too, lol

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Wow I'm gonna call them tomorrow and figure out. That'd be crazy if that is here too. I'd get a few then lol

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Wait, which batteries are you guys getting for that price? Is it the 9a31?

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You can also try kinetic batteries they are really good and a bit cheaper then xs power.

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Ehh not too much cheaper. I don't know if they are better though. Maybe someone else can say if they are or not.

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