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BM series subwoofers...

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can somone explain what the TS's mean ,like each of them?

and what makes a subwoorfer sound the way it does ,like what makes a sub a SPL sub ,and what makes it a SQ sub ,like what different inside the sub ,and how does it makes the sub sound different ,im looking for in depth info ,and explanation please

i mean somone who wants to explain this to me please ,

and what makes a sub work in a given size box ,like what makes a small box sub a SMALL BOX SUB.....

thanks for yer time

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there is a stickey somwhere on this forum... look for it, and it will essplain everything to you

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its just i have asked in other forums and all i get is ...stuff i dont understand yet cause im not educated on everything about speaker building and performance ....

just want somone to help me out in the kinda speakers for dummies kinda thing haha

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you realize how long it takes to get an entire production run done?

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2-3 weeks including R&D, right :lol2:

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wall of BM ?

nick can build it :bigok:

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<little kid mode>

Do you have them yet???

Do you have them yet???

Do you have them yet???

Do you have them yet???

Do you have them yet???

Do you have them yet???

Do you have them yet???

Do you have them yet???

Do you have them yet???

Do you have them yet???

Do you have them yet???

Do you have them yet???

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