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How is the output from an amplifier divided in volts and amps ?

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Hi all ,

I´d like to know if it matters at what voltage an amplifier makes their wattage ..

is it more difficult to make an amplifier that has an higher voltage output , say 100Volts vs. 200Volts to keep amperage lower ,and why ?

are the coils of drivers calulated to take a certain ratio of watts and amps ?

do amplifiers of different brands but but same output have about the same voltage and amp output or are there big differences ?

writing this I realize these questions sound pretty nooby , but I´ve never heard anybody talk about this ,while I´d think that it would matter , or at least on the high power amplifiers .... or are the amperages still so low it just doesn´t matter ?

thanks .

Edited by BASSmaster

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You need to google ohms law first. Then the definition of efficiency. It may answer some of that question.

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damn .. i think I´m just tyred ...the word `impedance just didn´t cross my mind` ...

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Who is Ohm's?

Ill take that as some form of sarcasm

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higher the voltage the more amps received. I=V/R

lower the voltage more amps needed I=V/R

You can figure the rest out right?

higher resistance , lower resistance ect ect


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