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New sub amp, showing off

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Well, a friend told me the other night he had some amps sitting around that he has never used really, so I asked him what he had and he replied with, "power acoustik stuff." Now, I was a little skeptical at first but I decided to look anyways. Well, come to find out one of the amps he had sitting around was a PA A2400DB so I jumped on that. He only wants 200 for it and it comes with original box, packaging, the works. Hooked it up to my Ti and MAN does it make a world of difference having this over my old amp. The Ti is really showing its true colors with this amp. My ears are starting to hurt now that I've been driving around with it. It's also nice to have a SSF once again :bigok:

it's a little muddy in the box I have it in, but I'm gonna try it out in both of these:1.55ft^3 @ 33hz, and .75ft^3 @ 40hz

guy over at CA.com that has had a lot of experience with a Ti suggested both of those so I'm gonna give it a try. I'll get some pics of this new toy later on today, I've got class in 5 minutes...roffle. I've also learned I need some sound dampening badly. Point noted.......

chev :fing34:

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that was another amp that i was looking at getting but never knew anyone that was using it so i could never really hear on how they liked it......what did you have pushing before your PA???so does it sound pretty clean since its PA and it stays cool and everything?

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Its very cool, not as cool as the dei I had( thing never got hot) but it's not nearly as hot as the kenwood I had previously. It sounds clean enough, imho. I was bridging a kenwood amp to put 300 watts @ 2ohms before, so moving to the PA was a HUGE difference. Night and day basically, I finally get to see the ti wang(trust me it's got some movement to it). I view the PA basically like the DEI 1100D I had, it's cheap wattage that is not harsh on your wallet. 200 bucks for an amp that is rated at 1400watts at 2ohms(14.4 of course) I mean come on, it doesn't get much better than that. Of course, I bought this amp from a friend who didn't even use it maybe a week or two, so I kind of got a deal.

hope that helps

Edited by 2kchevy

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