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'11 Chevy Tahoe (Soon)

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So a few updates. Got all my HID's in finally, finished installing all the new LED lighting in the interior of the truck as well took a few picks with the lights off in the garage they came out so so.

Son decided he has done enough work and deserving of being n the pictures.




The Blue LED lighting installed


HID lighting done and now the front end is complete. Did complete HID upgrades for lighting Highs, Lows, and Fogs.



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Sorry been MIA for a few weeks but had alot of things going on and not alot of time to finish posting pictures and what not. but i got a few more updates and a few things that will have to wait til i get back to the house to finish up as i ran out of time on my build.

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Had someone ask about the placement of my tweeters in the doors. Here are pictures of the front and rear driver side doors after i finished then up.



Pretty much my first solo build and i don't have much experience with fabrication at this time so i played it pretty safe with how i went about installing all the door and front stage stuff. Keep it simple plus i had limited time and didn't want to start anything i could not finish up.

Edited by Pradege

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Installing the Deadner took quite awhile. The original plan was to do all 4 doors which did get done the entire interior to include the roof. I was going to double up on the roof, but when it came time to pull the roof down i ran into alot of issues with it mainly i thought it would be much sturdier but it was pretty flimsy and since it was me doing it alone i felt pretty uncomfortable with extracting it so i left well enough alone this time around and will come back to it, but i did double up on the entire rear floor area which turned out pretty nicely.


This is when i had finally got all the deadner in before the second layer in the back. Was in the process of making sure i had all my wiring ran right with extra runs of 18 gauge cables for later upgrades.


Same thing just a different angle on the picture.


This picture shows where i brought up my power cables was a lot thought put into where to run those damn cables, but in the end i decided to go with this placement and it worked better than expected. i didn't get a picture of all the cables ran and tied down with placements of deadner over the top came out really good.


Just a rear shot of truck stripped out and readying to put everything back in.

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So i did get most of what i wanted accomplished with my truck still got to put in the false floor, added 2 more D3100's, finish painting my box and finish up all my wiring. I had roughly 10 days to get what i wanted done and for the most part i did it so this is just a lot of pictures of the finished product as it stands atm. I still got a lot of work to do. On with the pictures of what i installed in this fast first time solo build.

Under the Hood, new DC Power alternator, Volant cold air intake, XS power D3400, Toolmaker Distro Blocks







Front End, HID Lighting Highs, Lows, and Fogs. LED lights for DRL's and Turn signals




Rear End replaced Tail lights and Third brake like with new clear LED kits, replaced license plate with Blue LED lighting





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Wiring is till kind of nasty in the back, but it is for just the meantime so i don't feel to bad about it.

These are pictures of the actual amp wiring and placement as it stand right now all this is temporary as it will change once i get the false floor and actual battery and amp rack built.







Time for pictures of the interior with new blue LED's and once everything is hidden away








Well that is all i got til i finish it all up but will be awhile as i am away for work for the next few months, but all good got the heavy lifting done just need to get the fine tuning done.



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Wife and Son made a short video of the the subs in action playing a little Rick Ross

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Very nice build you got going on here sir.

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Dont know how I missed this one. Great build!! Its always best to do it right the first time.

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So been overseas here in Afghanistan the last 7 months or so and finally coming back home and can finish this damn build. Wife doesn't drive the truck so it has primarily sat in the garage since i have been gone. I did make a few new purchases for a few upgrades to sound system which i will list:


1. Replaced the MB Quart 4.80 with a Crescendo C1100.4

2. Replaced my JBL components with 3 sets of the Crescendo CZ Series 6.5 components,  also got a set of Q-Logic kick panels for that 3rd set.

3. 2 more XS Power D3100's so gives me a D3400 under the hood and 3 - D3100's in the back.

4. Going to try my hand at making cooper bus bars, bought the copper 2 bars(3/8" thick, 2.5" wide, 36" long) Bought a drill press as well more tools cant be bad.

5. Shitloads of Techflex. Yes sir going to pull all my cabling and doing it the way i intended to do it, was pressed for time before so i skipped it all.

6. That false flloor will get done this time around, got a few ideas on how about building it but need to do the math on the measurements before i can really come up with a good plan.


Got a few other odds and ends but those are the main changes to what i have currently have. I got a couple questions though about this false floor. What would be the best type of wood to use i am looking mainly at using 3/4" ply wood and 1 x 4's for most of that build, but what type of wood should i use as far as regular old plywood, birch etc.? Also i plan to carpet everything at the moment though that could change, don't know if that makes a difference at all.

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