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Which SSA sub(s) should I grab during this sale? (box dimensions inclu

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As stated in my intro thread, I have an '07 Ram Megacab. I have a decent amount of space to play with behind my rear seat. Dimensions are below. Ignore the dual sub design, it's just a photo to put the dimensions on. Original idea was a pair of sealed 12s. I talked with pro-rabbit and he suggested a single ported 12 GCON as one option, until he had exact measurements. He's been super swamped lately (understandably), so I'm trying figure out what I should purchase during this Black Friday sale while I can still save money. I've had all sorts of suggestions (whether they work with my space or not, I don't know) in my intro thread here: http://www.soundsolu...__fromsearch__1 . I may have a little more front-back depth once I completely pull everything apart, but this is what it's looking like.

Single ported. Dual sealed. 12" or 15". GCON, ICON, XCON, ZCON. Overwhelming choices. I do not have an amp yet, but I will get the proper one for whatever sub choice is decided.

Goals: "I read rules 14-18, so I will not use SPL/SQ/"""""SQL"""""/daily to describe my use! I will just call it a non-competition truck that I want to sound great, and get the best value for my money. I'm not aiming to get loud at a certain frequency, nor am I looking to completely accurately reproduce the audio as it was recorded. Just clear and hard hitting." is what I stated in my original thread.

Thanks for any input!


Edited by Dave88LX

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I have not read the other thread for awhile but do you have a budget?

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I sent you an email a few min ago. I think 2 12s ported would be ideal.

I'm going to work up a design in a few and see how it looks and if all looks good then you should be very impressed with the results.

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I have not read the other thread for awhile but do you have a budget?

Original budget I had figured my box was going be in the +/- $150-$200 range. Original thought for a pair of subs was ~$200-$250 each. If I went with a single, then I could use the extra money for a "better" sub, more amp, etc. ICON 12s are $274 right now, a pair would be "doable", although on the higher end of the budget. Just want to do what's right the first time.

I sent you an email a few min ago. I think 2 12s ported would be ideal.

I'm going to work up a design in a few and see how it looks and if all looks good then you should be very impressed with the results.

Sounds good, I'll go check it!

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I think GCONs would be great for what you are looking for.

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I have one gcon 12" and it is wonderful. I think you would be very impressed with two

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Think I'm going to give the GCONs a go.

A Great Choice.


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No bias of course right? wink.png

I am going to go read up on if I should get the 2-ohm or 4-ohm. I don't have an amp yet. I am thinking the 4-ohm so I can run them at 2-ohm.

Any specific input while I am researching, or a known link where it's been hashed out?

Edited by Dave88LX

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Are you wanting to run just one or two?

Depending on what you are looking for in an amplifier, typically getting power at 1 ohm will be far cheaper then finding an amplifier to do power at 2 ohm.

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Are you wanting to run just one or two?

Depending on what you are looking for in an amplifier, typically getting power at 1 ohm will be far cheaper then finding an amplifier to do power at 2 ohm.

Two...If I understood, you said we could fit a pair?

So if I use a quality amp capable of putting out the needed watts at 1-ohm, that would be the way to go then...

Edited by Dave88LX

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Yep, 2 will work. Once we get the new dims when you get a chance we can get a full design together.

Just get dual 4 ohm subs. That will give you a 1 ohm setup for an amplifier and far easier to find.

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2 12" Gcon's have been tempting me too. Already got a box that would work for them. Problem is I just bought 2 12's and just got that system going...trying not to form a bad habit here lol

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I'm confused. Are those exterior dimensions? If so, how will he have room for the 7" mounting depth of the GCONS?

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I'm confused. Are those exterior dimensions? If so, how will he have room for the 7" mounting depth of the GCONS?

Good question. That's Dustin's job to figure out!partybanana.gif(kidding)

That's a rough/close measurement. I need to dig behind the seat and get a final exact measurement.

The flaps behind the seat can be removed, or trimmed. The Fox Acoustics box (yellow boxed image) appears to downfire, so there is plenty of space. I think removing those flaps completely will be the best option. The SubThump box specs 6.5", but when I chatted with him, he said it can be modified to accomodate a deeper sub: "Also, with our box you are not necessarily limited to 6.5" of depth. We actually have two more depths available. With the addition of a spacer ring, we can go up to 7.25" very easily. I also have a special deep design that can hold massive 12s up to 8" deep."

I'm pretty confident once the final numbers are in to Dustin, we can get the 7" to work.






Edited by Dave88LX

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Yea, I'm sure there is room to be had back there.

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Okie dokie. Just wanted to be sure no one had a brain fart and overlooked that aspect!


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