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i want to wall my lincoln but first i need to make sure i wont get a ticket if i do have a wall. any one who knows about that kind of stuff any help would be good.thanks in advance

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Check your local laws concerning rear view mirrors...I know commercial vehicles are exempt wherever you are, but you may not be if you're in a regular passenger vehicle.

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i don't think you'll have a problem, unless it's a local ordinance. more then likely, it'll just be a cop with a chip on his shoulder. you are more likely to get a noise violation ticket before you get one concerning a wall.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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As the guys above mentioned, check with your local/state laws.

In BC, I know I must have two side mirrors if I can't see out the rearview. Tint laws are the same in BC - if you go darker than the factory tint, you have to have two side mirrors as well. Not a problem for the vast majority of vehicles, but my Mazda came from the factory with a drivers side mirror and no passenger side mirror.

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As the guys above mentioned, check with your local/state laws.

In BC, I know I must have two side mirrors if I can't see out the rearview.  Tint laws are the same in BC - if you go darker than the factory tint, you have to have two side mirrors as well.  Not a problem for the vast majority of vehicles, but my Mazda came from the factory with a drivers side mirror and no passenger side mirror.

some duct tape and a ladies compact could fix that.

in regard to the original question, i'd say its legal, i think its legal in VA so it should be legal anywhere

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I know in certain states you are restricted as to what you can do in certain vehicles. I know its fair game for my explorer after the b pillar.

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