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INPUT NEEDED 2 12" Fi BL burp box

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Hey guys, I just want to get some input on a burp box for 2 12" BL's fully loaded. This will be for a cross over and running 1000 or 2000 watts. Right now the system is up to 148.4 on 1800 watts with a some what music box. What I want to do is build the burp box so the subs are back and the port on the side. The info and input I need is the size of the box and the size of the port. Im 99% set on using a aeroport and was thinking 8" but would 8" be to small? Some people say the box needs to be big like 5 cubes and some say small like 3 cubes. So im a bit lost on where to start lol.

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What are the specs on your current enclosure? Do you know what the dominant resonant frequency is for your vehicle?

No one can help you with port and firing orientation as that's independent to the cabin.

Personally I'd opt for the greater efficiency from the larger enclosure volume, lots of port area for less port compression, and depending on the resonant frequency tune near that.

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A spl friend (taylorfade on some other forums) told me this.

Make the box as small as possible. Stick a good sized port in it (8 or 10") and burp it where its at. Run a sweep to find out where you're loudest and burp there.

I ended up at finals with a 3ish cf box with a 8" aero for 2 15's and gained 2 dbs with 0 testing.

Will it work for you? Who knows. But wood is cheap.

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  On 11/7/2012 at 4:26 AM, liljestrand said:

A spl friend (taylorfade on some other forums) told me this.

Make the box as small as possible. Stick a good sized port in it (8 or 10") and burp it where its at. Run a sweep to find out where you're loudest and burp there.

I ended up at finals with a 3ish cf box with a 8" aero for 2 15's and gained 2 dbs with 0 testing.

Will it work for you? Who knows. But wood is cheap.

You do realize that the enclosure tuning pretty much makes any results null? It will directly impact the frequency response.

I suppose you could measure the output outside of the vehicle, and then inside to come up with a cabin gain model, but generally one would just use a sealed enclosure for such.

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Im not gonna act like I know all the technical mumbo jumbo. This is just what I was told to do and it worked.

Op in the end its all gonna come down to testing and more testing. Hopefully you know someone with a tl.

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The truck likes 33 and 47hz I went with 33 because I like the lows. But this new box will be made with a 8" or 10" aero port so I can change the port. But liljestrand people tell me the same thing, make the box small with a lot of port.. But what would be a good starting point for size. The current box is about 3.7 after displacements with a large slot port. And im set on what way I want the sub and port, just want some input on the starting size of the box for the best power.


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