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new team SSA build. 2 zcon 18s on 10k. 159.5db

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Well, people have said things at shows as to why but i did not post it here because it's not proven.

I sometimes do not want to know the reasoning even if it were true because then it would be forced upon everything one designs for and if the reason is actually lowering the score, it's caused by another random variable. Instead, i only use very basic principles on designing and everything else be optionally used but never forced regardless of outcome before testing.

I could say, 6th order is always louder than ported enclosure..

So, without testing anything, i build a wall with a general ratio and assume that the score i'm getting is always better than ported..


Instead, i'd rather build a 6th order with the ability to adjust both ports and volumes independently to test for months to see what the meter is showing. How what effects what on the meter.

The best thing i can say is this-

There is and will always be unforseen variables in SPL whether it's environmental or user error but the point is this-

No matter how much one knows on paper, it will never translate into the real world 100%.

This is why many suggestions, rules of thumb, etc tend to be ignored for SPL only because of random outcomes.

So, even by me saying less cone area is better for burps, i will elaborate and say that's a general rule of thumb for burping scenarios. It is not an end all solution to all competitors.

These rules of thumb have been duplicated numerous times, but how they are duplicated should be past on with it.

Example- the wall ratio i mentioned earlier. If it were true 100% of the time, then here is the problem-

The suggestion has been taken for those who meter sealed on the dash.

If I open a door, the conclusion may suffer and hurt the score bad.

So, if a rule of thumb canis able to be duplicated, information about the environment it is duplicated in and how it's metered should be a part of that suggestion to give it just a little bit more acceptance as a possible norm for SPL.

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2 of the 4 18s mocked up just for fun. They will be mounted inverted to show off all that ass and to help with cooling.


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Absolutely! This buddy has extensive knowledge of bandpassed enclosures. He will be hopefully helping me on my next project.

I may need to meet this buddy of yours when my build time comes lol, if you guys ever need a hand give me a shout I'f im free i'll be glad to stop by and help with whatever i can, even if its just running down the street grabbin some beverages

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Absolutely! This buddy has extensive knowledge of bandpassed enclosures. He will be hopefully helping me on my next project.

I may need to meet this buddy of yours when my build time comes lol, if you guys ever need a hand give me a shout I'f im free i'll be glad to stop by and help with whatever i can, even if its just running down the street grabbin some beverages

pm me your number. An extra hand is always appreciated. Even if its to bounce ideas off of. Thanks for the offer.

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