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2007 Ford Escape build...

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This is looking great. Seeing builds like this makes me really want to dive in to glass work!

I say just do it its not as hard as someone would think. Just that stuff gets itchy though although i am a bit use to it as i use to install fiberglass in new homes a ways back. Ice cold water is great for the relief

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well really, time and money are the reasons i dont attempt it right now.

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I also got started on the doors. A little bit at a time.

A before shot of the door


I have the ring cut out and it is wrapped with fleece just waiting to get glassed up


If you compare to the before pic you will see what i am going to be relocating the pocket area to the rear part of the door.


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So i started to strip out everything all old wires remove the old speakers and start cleaning everything up so i could start putting deadener in.

My giant mess of wires that i have to take out. everything is zip tied and wrapped with electrical tape. Also all wires were soldered and shrink wrapped.






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After i got the wires cleaned up and taken out i started to get test fitting the doors just to make sure they will fit still with the new speakers in. As you can see i needed to do some modified work here to make some clearance for the 6.5 and some more clearance for the pocket i relocated.

The Pocket area.




This is before I cut the area to fit the pocket. I forgot to get the after shot of the cut for the pocket. I could get a shot of it later but there is now deadener on it.


The before shot of the 6.5 area i had to modify

Why it didn't fit


Before i had it cut


The after shot of the modified area for the 6.5


The door fits good now


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The test fit for the 8 was perfect. I didn't have to cut or modify anything.



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Looking good.

A trick to getting the bondo (and resin) to adhere to plastic is to drill holes in the plastic. The bondo will seep into those holes and grab a hold of the plastic. The bondo will still pull from the plastic if you make it to but it is stronger than not using holes.

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Looking good.

A trick to getting the bondo (and resin) to adhere to plastic is to drill holes in the plastic. The bondo will seep into those holes and grab a hold of the plastic. The bondo will still pull from the plastic if you make it to but it is stronger than not using holes.

Thank you. I have also been told about that drilling holes i didn't do it but be told that works good also.

So i have a few additions to this build that are not in my first post. Here are a few preview pics of what will be in store. Just a little teaser pic before i get a few more things in the mail.





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Looking good.

A trick to getting the bondo (and resin) to adhere to plastic is to drill holes in the plastic. The bondo will seep into those holes and grab a hold of the plastic. The bondo will still pull from the plastic if you make it to but it is stronger than not using holes.

Thank you. I have also been told about that drilling holes i didn't do it but be told that works good also.

So i have a few additions to this build that are not in my first post. Here are a few preview pics of what will be in store. Just a little teaser pic before i get a few more things in the mail.





Movie Watching?

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Movie Watching?

Yes sir 17" flip down monitor for the kids enjoyment. I will have a half din dvd player set in with the radio up front for me to control. Would have went bigger but 17" seems a bit big in the back seat.

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Looking good man. Hows foot room with the kicks?

Not exactly sure how it will be with the kicks in but it does seem like there is quite some room left. I don't have them installed so i won't know how comfortable it will be on long rides.

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So i was out of work a little early today so i got somethings done in the ride... Sorry for some pics that are blurry, it was cold and dark by the time i got some pics.

Running the speaker wires, Getting them zip tied and an taped up



Another little project i am working on for the constant and turn on wires to be wired to some switches to turn on everything i need. Screens, Fans, or any other accessories.


This is it finished and installed in the truck.



A mess of wires... RCA's, Video wire, power ground and acc wires, and other things in there also.



My radio, DVD, and EQ.


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So I did quite a bit a work today. I didn't get much pictures of the process because my camera battery was dead, used it at my daughters basket ball game. I also did have my phone because it needed to be charged... Plus i got into work mode i didn't ever get the cameras during the process... Anyway here are some pics i did manage to get.

Here you see i cleaned up all my speaker wires... Also showing where the are routed... For the most part i just followed factory wires and zip tied...






Here is just showing the rca's


Got the routing of the wires for the flip down monitor when it comes in...



Also did some work on the shift lever area... You see here i have 2 volt meters, the top 2, and some LED touch on/off switches...


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So i wanted to hear how the speakers sounded so i just set in my doors to get them playing. I did clean up all the wiring some more and set in the carpet a few other things. The vids will be up once finished loading.

Here also i got my shift lever area primed up and ready to coat black.


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So its been a while since i updated this. So i have started on the sub box. After i get that in i should be able to get going on the rest of the stuff. I am looking at some material to wrap my doors, trying to get as close to matching as possible. Once i get that i should be good on the rest of the build. So here we go with the box progress.

The wood is all cut.


The baffle work here.



Even spread of glue and the weight to press it.



The quick mock up of how it looks sideways to show the port.



More to come tomorrow...

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Alright so i was able to get a little work done with the time i had... So here is the progress on the box.




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wow, nice little project you got going on here! Keep us updated.

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wow, nice little project you got going on here! Keep us updated.

Thank you... and will do

I have my box built completely now just deciding how i want to cover it up. A few update pics here

The box all glued, screwed, and filled...





A shot of the bracing... went with onebadmonte's advice and got the brace down the center also... re-calculated for the additional bracing and it didn't do much to tuning or volume.


Port shot...


Clean edge's...


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So i did get a few things done today in the mourning. I did as much as i could before i have to get things ready for my daughters birthday party.

Lets start with the plasti dip work.

A little before shot...


Even though its my daughters 3rd birthday she still wanted to come and help out. Here we are removing the rims.


Got all wheels dipped and put back on...





And yes i know which tire goes back where.

The final look...


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In between coats i got the wood filler sanded down on the screw holes on the box, (well my daughter did most the sanding). 3yrs old today and still able to put in work. I still had to touch it up but we got it done.




After sanding we had to clean up.


She said the leave blower got heavy so i finished... But we had some fun with it...


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That's awesome man. My daughter loves to help out too.

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