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What hapened to Sean from FI

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I was wondering what happened to Sean from FI. I placed my order with him a little over 2 weeks ago(supposedly straight through him on what he told me was his personal cell phone number) anyways i've been calling him just about everyday since because I wanted to change the color of the logo on the dustcaps but I am unable to get a hold of him. Also he hasnt even taken the money out of my bank account for the order yet. I'm local to them so I was told I would be able to pick them up(really doesnt have anything to o with my issue)but he doesnt answer any of my calls. Can anybody on here get a hold of him and let him know that I want to change my dustcap color for me? If not I may just switch companies to purchase my woofers through, thanks.

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I was wondering what happened to Sean from FI. I placed my order with him a little over 2 weeks ago(supposedly straight through him on what he told me was his personal cell phone number) anyways i've been calling him just about everyday since because I wanted to change the color of the logo on the dustcaps but I am unable to get a hold of him. Also he hasnt even taken the money out of my bank account for the order yet. I'm local to them so I was told I would be able to pick them up(really doesnt have anything to o with my issue)but he doesnt answer any of my calls. Can anybody on here get a hold of him and let him know that I want to change my dustcap color for me? If not I may just switch companies to purchase my woofers through, thanks.

Have you tried emailing them at Sales @ ficaraudio.com? (no spaces)

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Not yet but I will. I just figured since I had his personal cell phone number that that would be the best way to reach him. Every time I called him before the purchase he would answer, so I figured he would still answer. But I guesss I was wrong. Emailing him now though thanks.

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I deal w/ Shawn on almost a daily basis & is a personal friend. I only order directly thru Shawn. He pisses me off sometimes but he has never let anyone down that I know of. Earlier this week he had another surgery & he probably won't be back full blown til tomorrow or Monday.

Side note, I orderd my last personal order on 8/31 & its just shipping tomorrow.

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^^^ truf, I just spoke with him monday or tuesday night? wasnt sounding to good from that surgery. On a side note his fi cell number doe not have vm on it, and his personal number is usually full, but if you do catch him he has terrible service with it at home

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Sorry guys been dealing with alot from this leg and these surgeries. I went back to work last week against doctors orders b/c I have WAY too many responsibilities at the company that have to be done. Its not that I have too much on my shoulders, b/c when Im 100 percent, I knock everything out.I have a dr appt monday at 1050 to tell me the results from my biopsy surgery last monday, so we will see how that goes. I will definitely be back in the office full time on tuesday,, and just for a little bit on monday. I will get everything cleared up. And some days I forger mycell at home. Its my personal so that should be ok. If you call and I dont answer, drop a text message on it.


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Hope you will be OK Shawn. Did not knew about that.

Take care of you, Man !

And send them subs to us plz !!!

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Its not something I usually put out there, but I'm back at full time at work, and just taking things day by day at work. Thanks guys.

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Good news !

Desperately waiting for my 2 bl's and for a quote for a BTL N2 15" DVC1 fully loaded(you forgot this one !).

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