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Aaron Clinton

IS signal input ?

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there was a mention of input sensativity issues on TP about the IS's, someone said anything more than 4 volts could cause problems?

is this true? :huh2:

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  02BlackOnBlackSS said:
I have no problems with my 6.5v preouts.


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You generally wouldnt have issue @ 6.5.

One, most deck dont do exactly what they say.

Two, your volume would have to be maxed to do its rated v if it did.

Three, unless it was a solid tone, it would only touch 6.5 infrequently, and therefore, would not be enough to cause issues. (theory)

TP'ers (DB Drag'ers) generally run solid tones. IE...solid 6.5+ depending on the LD or HU used.

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I understand that, I like to run as much signal as possible,

but if I get one it will be for Amandas scooter and will be getting less signal

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