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Had a good weekend

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The Meca state finals were this weekend so I decided to go check it out. The comp bug has bitten me alittle and its been fun going and seeing all the different builds. I have placed in every event so far but the nature of my build makes me a huge underdog. (Tuned low, not below window line, actually sounds good, lol jk) But its fun none the less. It almost makes me want to sponsor myself and turn my 2002 Dodge Caravan thats sitting at my office into a monster build, LOL But I did sit in a 157 blazer and that mofo was actually painful, it peaked at 44 he said and the punch of each note was quite brutal. Also sat in a minivan that was a low tuned 4th order that peaked low and that did a 154.5 at 31hz. Thats more my style and was a damn wind tunnel.

I get stuck in Mod 4 going against the big dogs, lol. I did a 150.2 at 34hz at the headrest. I need to get a meter from Shizzon so I can play around at different locations, I think a 151+ at the windshield or kick is doable. But really my current setup is for demoing and music and it does that very well.:) This event I picked up 3rd place in Mod4 and 1st place in the show and shine, Phat truck, best rims and best paint (not sure why).

Here is a pic of some trophies I have gotten at the last three events.



Here is a quick vid of the 157 blazer. It has 4 18in IA DP's on 2 IA 40.1's in a 4th order.

I figured I would share, Senchez was there and his Explorer was getting lots of attention, Must be that killer box he has, haha

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wow! Great stuff swift.... Sen is wack, and his truck is beautiful! .... That Blazer looks like it sounds shitty... 6-1/2s in the dash???

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Thanks for the updates and inspiring post....

Awesome collection starting to form of wins!

Can't wait for my demo opportunity!

Senchez's ride is a head turner for sure, as well.

The lower tune thing, that's me all the way too, last install in the cutlass was tuned to 30hz.

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