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SSD modified for HT duty?

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I see a lot of people using the SSD to augment their existing home theaters all the time. Is there something that can be done to lower the FS? Maybe a different spider pack or gap adjustment.

Thank you for your time and response,


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Why the need for the lower fs? A stock SSD should do fine. If you're looking for something that will play low and with some output you might wanna look at the SP4. The only in between is the Q series.

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I had considered the SP4 but I don't have enough power to the room to power 4 let alone the rest of the equipment. The Q's would be stretching it as well.

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Almost forgot, I was looking for the lower FS due to the possibility of doing 4 LLT's tuned to ~10-15Hz. I haven't decided yet. But I am leaning toward the dual opposed sealed alignment.

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You can mass load to lower the Fs, but you in turn lower efficiency, so it is a double edged sword...

Have you modeled the SSD in your ideal alignment? I have no idea what the SSD T/S parameters are, but I wouldn't discount the Fs until you model and see what it will actually do...

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FWIW adjusting the gap would have no affect on Fs. Fs is affected by compliance and mass only.

As 95Honda said; model the stock driver in the proposed alignment and see what the results are.

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I will see if I can find someone to help me with WinISD. I have never been able to properly model yet. Most of the builds I see are using the 15" version and they seem to do very well as the driver is.

Thank you both for helping.

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Are the Ib3's not a option

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I didn't look at them as I will need to keep enclosure size to a minimum. I spent the last hour talking with the wife. I am back to the drawing board again. It seems like every time I come up with a viable option it violates something for her. The ideal enclosure for 4 IB3 18"s would be too big.

My original idea was to do 4 SP4 18"s across the front. That one went out the window because of the power I would need to properly drive them is more than I have available.

I then moved on to IB3 18"s, but there is no spot available to put a manifold.

I picked the dual opposed option as a solution to the floor space and cab size issues. Although this may still work, they need to do so with the addition of some build in cabinets we had discussed putting in several months ago. I neglected to take these into consideration. I admit fault there.

I am going to have to go back to the idea board and look at more options at this point. I think I am going to make a post over at AVS and see if they have a solution. That is where I got the idea for the vertical dual opposed design.

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Stick a single 15 or single 12 in a ported enclosure with one of the down firing power ports that polk uses and use it as a coffee table, it'l work great.

You could get the suspension a bit lighter on the SSD, but in all honesty you really do not need to. I've got a BTL with 5 spiders in my HT and it sounds phenomenal.

Fs has absolutely nothing to do with the frequency response at all..it's just a urban myth that online junkies ride..for some unknown reason.

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Remember, Fs is only the frequency at which the suspension resonates in an anechoic room. That means nothing in a real world application.

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Nick, nice to hear from you . I currently have a single sealed Dayton Titanic 15" w/ the Dayton 1K plate amp. Although it walks all over the place even with the spikes installed, it honestly does a great job with everything most people want. I found a weird spot over by my fireplace that gives me what I think is a relatively even frequency response. It runs out of steam in the mid 20Hz range and down. For my room being open to the rest of the house I think it does a pretty good job. I am searching for more cone area to dig a little deeper. I know I am not going to be flat to 5Hz and frankly am not looking for that. I think I am sold on the vertical dual opposed design due to being able to stick to the ~25"x25" footprint in each front corner which is currently taken up by my CV VS120's. I know I am going to need as much cone area as I can fit in that area too.

Duran, I appreciate your input and settling that misconception for me. I have given this spec way too much with regards to my driver selection and the possible impact on my goals.

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