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I am going to be getting some hertz 165xl components and am considering running them active with a nice sound processor. The problem is I don't know much about sound processors or running speakers active. what should I look for when buying a processor? is it worth it or should I just use the crossover that comes with the speakers?

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I am going to be getting some hertz 165xl components and am considering running them active with a nice sound processor. The problem is I don't know much about sound processors or running speakers active. what should I look for when buying a processor? is it worth it or should I just use the crossover that comes with the speakers?

You will probably be better off using the passive crossovers that come with them. If you want to go active you don't have to buy a component set.

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but which way would I get better results?

It will take a lot of research and work to run active. If you are willing to do the work active is a good option, if not get a component set.

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In the hands of someone skilled and knowledgeable in the tuning of an active setup, then the active setup would likely achieve better results.

However, in the hands of someone not very skilled and knowledgeable in the tuning of an active setup, chances are good the passive setup would yield better results.

Based on your questions, I would gander a guess you are closer to the 2nd category than the 1st. That's not to say you can't learn, but IMO you should do things like focus on optimizing your installation and spend some time reading and learning before you spend money a processor and setting the system up in such a way that there is a step tuning requirement which may be over your head. That can quickly lead to getting burned out on the system because you're running in circles trying to figure out why you can never get it to sound right.

What is your plan for the installation of the comp set? What sound deadening have you completed or will be completing?

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I just ordered a bunch of second skin damplifier and I plan on covering as much as possible in the door and trying to seal the door off the best I can. I am installing 2 15" or 2 18" (haven't decided yet) and I need mids and highs to keep up. I have thought about putting 2 sets up front and just some cheaper hertz speakers in the back.

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I just ordered a bunch of second skin damplifier and I plan on covering as much as possible in the door and trying to seal the door off the best I can. I am installing 2 15" or 2 18" (haven't decided yet) and I need mids and highs to keep up. I have thought about putting 2 sets up front and just some cheaper hertz speakers in the back.

You don't want to waster your money doing multiple sets... Unless you're making a show car.... The rears are preference... I don't have any and no one in my Camry has complained that the sound wasn't heard... I am only running 1 - 15" Xcon sealed currently and I need to re-do my front stage as I am not happy with it.... But I'm not thinking of putting money where it isn't needed.... One set of tweeters and one set of mids is all "most" people need.

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No 2 sets WILL not make it louder... You'll just hear sound coming from all over the place.... The Hertz Mille line gets great reviews.... I do not know personally though

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2 sets wouldn't make it that much louder?

It will probably be a little louder but also sound SIGNIFICANTLY worse.

Are you planning on installing the speakers in the stock locations?

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IMO there can be, but it depends a lot on the vehicle, your goals and the level of your skill in fabrication.

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I have a 2001 Tahoe. My goals are to get the most sq out of my speakers as I can but also I would like them to get loud and Keep up with the bass.

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A few details

1) Terrible idea to buy a comp set and run it active. If you have the capability to setup an active system right you can buy WAY, WAy better drivers for less money.

2) Two sets of comps is flat out a terrible idea. If you are short on output there are MUCH better ways of achieving this

3) 2001 Tahoe is not the most friendly for an SQ setup. Terrible dash and the door mounts require a ton of work to get solid. Without some serious fab in the kicks staging is far from trivial.

4) "Keep up with the bass" is a seriously backwards statement. The easiest way to do this though is to turn up the LP on the subwoofer to include higher frequencies. Of course this defeats the staging and fidelity, but if you don't you will need SERIOUS cone area on your mids to play midbass. That being said I SERIOUSLY doubt you actually even want it to "keep up:

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where would I look to buy speakers for a active set up? and where would be the "best" place for them in a 2001 Tahoe.

Edited by Bizzy Beats

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Parts express and madisound are the 2 big online suppliers of raw drivers, but picking the right drivers for you is going to take a lot of research and asking a lot of good questions. The good news is you're in the right place.

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awesome. those are good sites. do morel speakers compare to hertz In a way? I found some morel speakers that look pretty good.

Edited by Bizzy Beats

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Don't go active.

It's not a good plan for you at your current knowledge level. I know it's the new fad, and in the right hands it has definite advantages. But, not everybody has the right hands, and you don't yet.

As I said before....work on maximizing your install first, work on increasing your knowledge in the mean time. Once you understand a proper installation and have gained some knowledge, then go active. There is FAR MORE to a quality sounding system than simply going active. A well installed passive setup will far exceed a poorly installed and poorly tuned active setup any day of the week.

Now is not the time to jump into an active setup for someone in your position.

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and where might I go to learn more about those things

Here, of course.

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Many recommend reading, and understanding, the Loudspeaker Design Cookbook.

It will probably take longer than you want to fully understand exactly how to optimize an active setup.

If you try to run active right now at this point you'll just end up wasting a bunch of time and money.

I would recommend buying a component set and just running it passive. With proper installation, I think you'll be happy with the results.

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