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I have some qustions

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Hey guys, I have a couple of questions in regard to properly setting the gains for my new JVC KD-R330

I have a Audiobahn AS40J head unit with a Rockford T1500.bdCP amplifier, and the Xcon in a custom 6.5 cubes ported box tuned to 33hz.you can have a look on http://www.caraudioh...s/4%22-Speakers for Car Speakers

I am using a DMM to set the gains and have read that the amp gains are supposed to be set while all the HU EQ settings are flat (or on 0), the volume on 3/4 the max setting, and a 50hz test tone in the cd player.

I am not sure how right that is so I decided to ask.

My questions is what is the best way adjust the sub "bass boost" and "output level" settings on the HU?

Do I put them on my desired point before adjusting the sub amp gains or after?

Should I even use the above two HU settings at all?

Also, will I be feeding a clipped signal to the sub if I adjust these settings higher after setting the amp gains lower with the DMM during the install.


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Most people who I've talked to don't use the bass boost or output level settings. I personally don't either. Most likely the reason being is that the amplifiers we run feed enough power to our subs and don't require that extra power. However, if you would like to use those settings, set all your desired levels BEFORE setting the gains.

As for feeding a clipped signal, because you're pushing in extra power from the bass booster, it will reflect in the AC voltage. It'll be higher to start with than if you were to start with your EQ settings at 0. There is a formula that determines the AC voltage depending how much power you're pushing out at a certain impedance. It's hard to say how much your HU will affect that voltage with the increase in bass booster. What is the power and impedance you will be running your amp, and how many speakers will you be powering?

Edited by Ndnkobra

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Bass boost is generally a terrible idea. What you are asking the amplifier to do is double (+3db), triple (+6), or quadruple the amount of power to a specific frequency which often clips the ever-loving crap out of the signal and cause harm to the speaker. Professionals will NOT boost when setting EQs, they will cut the majority of frequencies and leave the ones they want "boosted" at normal level. Hope this layman's explanation helps.

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