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Question about going Active

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If i have 2 pairs of passive x overs, tweeters and woofers running off of two amps, would going active running 4 woofers and 4 tweeters and the same two amps be as loud?? Cus the way im seeing this active thing working is that when its playing music one amp is always off since its switching high to mid

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Assuming they are 4 channel amps, you will be able to run them, albeit with less power versus bridged. Won't work if they are 2 channells amps or if you're running them in 2 channel mode as each driver will need it's own discrete channel.

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there two, two channel amps.

what im asking is having two 300wrms amps if i run two sets of mids and highs with passive crossovers when you play lets say 150Hz those four woofers get 600wrms VS. a Active set-up useing those same two amps at 150hz those woofers would only get 300Wrms right?

Im asking this because i was thinking of going Active but was worried it might not be as loud as with passive X-overs

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If you are going active, you will need discrete channels for each driver, unless you are going to wire a pair of drivers per channel in a series or parallel arrangement.

For example:

YOu currently have 4 channels of amplification, yet have 8 drivers. 4 woofers, and 4 tweeters. In order to go active, you need 8 channel of amplification, or you can pair the drivers per channel so you'd need 2 for the woofs, and 2 for the tweets. Depending on the final impedance, you will either have more or less power.

Right now, if runnign everything through passives, depending on how you have them wired will determine the power level. YOu could have more or less either way depending on the wiring scheme.

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As TF said it could be either way. It depends on your crossovers, how they are wired, your amps, and how they will be wired once run active. It should be within 3dB either way. Active will give you a lot more flexibility though and perhaps the ability to drive your speakers harder yielding more sound. You did not give us nearly enough information to really help you.

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