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Would a 3 or 5 channel amp be effective for a front stage and a sub stage. or would it be best to have 2 seperate amps i saw i believe it was a arc audio 3 channel amp the other day with the perfect power amount for my current plan of comps up front and a single ssa dcon 12 in the rear.

On a side note i had seen the fi ssd 12s and they look nice but there is quite a price difference and if im not mistaken they require quite a bit more power than the dcon am i mistaken ? I am pretty sure the dcon is my number one choice im just wondering how it measures up against the ssd what are the major differences?

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Nothing wrong with a 3- or 5-channel amp if it meets your requirements. IMO it limits future upgrades, but that may or may not be an issue for you.

The SSD and Dcon are simply different subs. The SSD doesn't "require" more power, but is capable of handling more power. The SSD has a slightly larger coil and is capable of a little more output at the expense of higher cost. For a budget minded sub I don't think you'll be disappointed with the Dcon though.

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I was thinking of the 3-5 channel to save the trouble of distibution block and the expense of buying 2 quality amps but i understand what your saying about upgrade potential that will deffinitley be something to consider

its unfortuante i have no one local to hear either sub from youtube videos are absolutely useless and ive only had limited expierence with different subs im attempting to gauge how much output i need for my own personal taste without too much but the dcon is attractive because of the low power and super low price

One big question i have only had cars previous how will the dynamics and out put of my substage change based on now i drive a crossover a 12 jeep compass i know this will significantly change my results correct:?

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My sister has a 12" DCON in a 2.25cuft ported enclosure tuned to 33hz on a Cadence F100.5 5 channel amplifier that's running PG RSD 6.5" components in her front doors and JBL coax's in the rear doors. Impious is right, an amp like that does limit your upgradeability in the future, but in the same respect all the reasons you listed are the reasons a person would look at an amp like that in the first place. My sister's Durango sounds absolutely amazing, the output of that DCON in that enclosure and on that amp is seriously enough to have anyone who's looking for a serious daily listener quite happy. I've said it before and I'll say it again the sound and output of that single 12" DCON would be enough to make me happy and is quite comparable to the sound and output of my pair of 12" Q's on a Sundown 2k. Obviously the Q's will get a little louder, and the impact from them is much more intense, but if I were looking to buy equipment and didn't know anything about what my Q's can do I could have saved myself a considerable amount of money getting something like a pair of DCON's and a smaller amp and calling it a day. In my very honest opinion they're that good of a sub.

Saving time, money and saving yourself some install time as well going with something like a 3 or 5 channel amp is not a bad idea if you're not one who is always buying and trying out new equipment. If you're wanting to make this purchase once and intend on it lasting awhile then I don't think it's a bad idea as long as the power of those amps meet your output goals.

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A Zed Leviathan works for all channels AND gives you flexibility later on down the road.

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I was thinking of the 3-5 channel to save the trouble of distibution block and the expense of buying 2 quality amps but i understand what your saying about upgrade potential that will deffinitley be something to consider

its unfortuante i have no one local to hear either sub from youtube videos are absolutely useless and ive only had limited expierence with different subs im attempting to gauge how much output i need for my own personal taste without too much but the dcon is attractive because of the low power and super low price

One big question i have only had cars previous how will the dynamics and out put of my substage change based on now i drive a crossover a 12 jeep compass i know this will significantly change my results correct:?

Generally easier to get good subbass results in a single common airspace (such as your Jeep) than in a car with rear seats from the trunk.

12" Dcon in a ported enclosure will get loud enough to satisfy all but the true bassheads. Based on what you've said in this thread I can't imagine you'd be unsatisfied with the Dcon. For the average user the output should be more than enough.

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wow thanks for the in depth responses yes ill have to seriously consider it because i am never truly happy with what i have ill probably continually be upgrading but this dcon sounds amazing from the descriptions wish i would have known about it a few years back ill have to measure my cargo area to see how much room ill have to build a box because i want to go ported but i also need some sort of quick release set up to remove the box quickly to stow in my garage due to me being my fathers caretaker and his wheel chair goes there

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