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How terrible would it sound, if...

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I used a pair of Skar IVX 12's for midbass?

I came across an extra Two Channel amp, and bought two fifteens before my Skars came in, because I'm the worst impulse buyer, ever.

Would it even work? I mean, setting my HPF on the fifteens to like, 60 hz, running the skars from 60-100, and then my components 100+?

All of them on different amps, of course.

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Probably not too good considering skars are made to play lows and the fact that it's a SUBwoofer and not just a plain woofer. The depth on that IVX is almost 6" too so you would have to do some serious door panels to get them to fit

Edited by Kangaroux

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bad idea, any decent sub will be able to play up to 100hz without a problem. personally i would stop wasting money on cheap shit and do a proper install.

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personally i would stop wasting money on cheap shit and do a proper install.

Agreed :fing34:

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Such a waste, but try it. That's the beauty of the hobby. If you want to do it, do it. If you like it, cool! If not, chalk it up to experience.

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Such a waste, but try it. That's the beauty of the hobby. If you want to do it, do it. If you like it, cool! If not, chalk it up to experience.

The best advice ever. You don't need our approval. Trial and error is the best teacher.

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Soooo much better of an answer than "Stop buying cheap shit and do a proper install" :;

I'll go for it, for shits and giggles. (:

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I will say if it even does work in the sense you are wanting it to work, the skars will have more cone area than your components by far so your staging will be VERY off.

It will be highly noticeable that certain ranges are only focused on certain parts of the car vs it all coming naturally together in one central location.

www.partsexpress.com is your friend with stuff like this.

You could do this on a bench or in a garage or home but in the car, you would need a LOT of cone area in components to compensate for the enormous midbass efficiency.

Another thing, 60-100hz is too limited in my opinion. If you are going to have subs in this vehicle, which i'm assuming you will, running a larger amp to your subs vs these skars even when LP'ed ~60hz will still cause the subs to carry your definition of midbass range up and over the skars potential more than likely.

You need to know this so when you experience this, you aren't in such shock and awe when it happens and try to figure out what cancellation and phasing really are.

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Well, not that you bring up the cone area thing, I have my HPF on my fifteens at eighty Hz right now, so going from however much cone area from the two fifteens to the six and a halves is a way bigger difference than going with the 12's for that range, haha.

I'm not trying to defend my point, because this wasn't too serious of a question, I just wanted to see if it was really THAT bad of an idea to do it out of boredom. :P

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I don't think anyone here nor I is forcing you to not do it, but just letting you know the effects of what you are about to experience.

Also, when a crossover point is set, it's not an immediate drop of so many dbs either!

When you say crossed at 80hz lpf, it can continue to be audible on your 15s(if the skars were not there) as high as 150hz if not more possibly.

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In general using a subwoofer as a midbass CAN be a great idea. That one however, is terrible at it. Those drivers were "designed" to sell to the least common denominator and won't excel at midbass compared to what you could easily buy if you sold them.

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Soooo much better of an answer than "Stop buying cheap shit and do a proper install" :;

I'll go for it, for shits and giggles. (:

I always find it funny when people like to ignore what they don't want to hear.

Don't expect to mix a bunch of shit, and get good results.

FWIW, your not going to want to HPF your "fifteens" at 60hz, perhaps you meant LPF.

If your midbass is lacking, and your door are deadened, then perhaps it's time to sell the component set, sell the skars, and invest in another component set with more cone area.

You could also try raising the LPF on your subs, but I'm skeptical of how good they will sound. Of all the drivers I've used, I always preferred the subwoofers crossed low (~50hz) compared to 80hz, otherwise it didn't sound appealing to me, but not all drivers are the same, so I can't say you won't have different results.

Perhaps my answer is even worse--that's okay.

Edited by stefanhinote

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personally i would stop wasting money on cheap shit and do a proper install.

Agreed fing34.gif


Edited by Sencheezy

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I was told that Mark Eldridge has a pair of 12" drivers playing musically in his Nascar.

(I'm thinking in the kick pannels ... Shit, I can't remember) ...

I can not Find install pics of the car on the net and my dumb ass didn't take pics of it when I got my demo, nor did I ask him about it during the demo ...

Hope I get to demo it again and get to talk to Mark at MECA World Finals this year !!!

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jroadtatts is using a pair of 12" Aura's for midbasses in his Honda with some great success. 3" full ranges are handling his highs and a 15" BTL sealed to the cabin is his sub. The car is very musical and gets loud enough to rattle fillings in your teeth. IIRC he's using the H100 with a 9887 for processing.

It can be done, but not without much care to the installation and tuning adjustments. He had originally started with 10's but blew them trying to get too much out of them before he went to the 12's. It took him quite a bit of time to get it all right as well. It's definitely not something a person can just throw together and as ///M5 said, the Skar drivers may not be well suited to perform that task. I personally wouldn't tackle something like that myself until I had a fair bit more experience with active setups and getting used to the kinds of adjustments needed to make it work.

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jroadtatts is using a pair of 12" Aura's for midbasses in his Honda with some great success. 3" full ranges are handling his highs and a 15" BTL sealed to the cabin is his sub. The car is very musical and gets loud enough to rattle fillings in your teeth. IIRC he's using the H100 with a 9887 for processing.

It can be done, but not without much care to the installation and tuning adjustments. He had originally started with 10's but blew them trying to get too much out of them before he went to the 12's. It took him quite a bit of time to get it all right as well. It's definitely not something a person can just throw together and as ///M5 said, the Skar drivers may not be well suited to perform that task. I personally wouldn't tackle something like that myself until I had a fair bit more experience with active setups and getting used to the kinds of adjustments needed to make it work.

Apples to oranges.

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