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Bond is a real good guy, he also fixed a soundigital 8k for me, he only lives like 45 minutes away from me, from what I've seen, most stetsom blow from operator error,even my set-up, I can't blame the amp or the company if mine blows because they don't advise half ohm nominal...I know they get damaged a lot during shipping from brazil, both of mine where, if I had hooked them up without Bond correcting what was damaged in shipping, I'd be in the same boat as a lot of people that have these amps blow on start up. Another thing about the technology in stetsom, you have to let the caps charge, especially in the big amps with all those caps and high rail voltage. I have a remote switch that I can turn the amps on/off with. When I first turn on the radio, I leave the amps off for about 3 minutes to let the caps charge, hope this helps.

I was given his name and number but it said it was disconnected and I got zip for email respones!

Cheap crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by pmureika

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Wish i would have seen this post earlier

Im not even a rep, but hate to see a fellow 'audiophile' spend hard earned money only to be forgotten by the company. smh

He changed his number sometime this year i do believe.

He texted me with the number i posted.

Below is the person i contacted about the warranty info.

ThanksBest regardsAndrea B. Franco (Sales code: 2525)Export / ImportPhone/Fax Brazil: +55 (18) 2104-9411Phone USA: (786) 265-1960Mobile: +55 (18) 8123-8668E-mail / MSN: [email protected]: andreabf1974www.stetsom.com

DB-r doesn't work for stetsom lol, they are the only 'Authorized' repair company.

Lmao TY i agree, that fan is so freaking loud the first 1-2mins, then quiets down lol.

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The fans are loud,

Bond is a real good guy, he also fixed a soundigital 8k for me, he only lives like 45 minutes away from me, from what I've seen, most stetsom blow from operator error,even my set-up, I can't blame the amp or the company if mine blows because they don't advise half ohm nominal...I know they get damaged a lot during shipping from brazil, both of mine where, if I had hooked them up without Bond correcting what was damaged in shipping, I'd be in the same boat as a lot of people that have these amps blow on start up. Another thing about the technology in stetsom, you have to let the caps charge, especially in the big amps with all those caps and high rail voltage. I have a remote switch that I can turn the amps on/off with. When I first turn on the radio, I leave the amps off for about 3 minutes to let the caps charge, hope this helps.

I was given his name and number but it said it was disconnected and I got zip for email respones!

Cheap crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I pmed you his number

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Wish i would have seen this post earlier

Im not even a rep, but hate to see a fellow 'audiophile' spend hard earned money only to be forgotten by the company. smh

He changed his number sometime this year i do believe.

He texted me with the number i posted.

Below is the person i contacted about the warranty info.

ThanksBest regardsAndrea B. Franco (Sales code: 2525)Export / ImportPhone/Fax Brazil: +55 (18) 2104-9411Phone USA: (786) 265-1960Mobile: +55 (18) 8123-8668E-mail / MSN: [email protected]: andreabf1974www.stetsom.com

DB-r doesn't work for stetsom lol, they are the only 'Authorized' repair company.

Lmao TY i agree, that fan is so freaking loud the first 1-2mins, then quiets down lol.

DB-R use to repair stetsom, and your right about the fan being loud, but i can deal with it, there is another guy in New york that repairs them as well, his name is Gustavo his shop is called mega repair, I have his number somewhere, I'll post it when I find it.

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Bond is a real good guy, he also fixed a soundigital 8k for me, he only lives like 45 minutes away from me, from what I've seen, most stetsom blow from operator error,even my set-up, I can't blame the amp or the company if mine blows because they don't advise half ohm nominal...I know they get damaged a lot during shipping from brazil, both of mine where, if I had hooked them up without Bond correcting what was damaged in shipping, I'd be in the same boat as a lot of people that have these amps blow on start up. Another thing about the technology in stetsom, you have to let the caps charge, especially in the big amps with all those caps and high rail voltage. I have a remote switch that I can turn the amps on/off with. When I first turn on the radio, I leave the amps off for about 3 minutes to let the caps charge, hope this helps.

If you were aware how capacitors work . . . . Shit, nevermind.

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DB-r repair is the guy u were referring to he's a good guy.

252-333-7295 is his new number i believe.

[email protected]

Wait, Chris isn't over at DB-r anymore? Or is it a multi person business? I always pictured it as a garage based business. I've also had great experiences with Db-r.

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Yea i think Mouse is the guy in NC.

I was on the phone with him and he was talking to his kids or someone in the background so im sure it isn't some shop with guys sitting around soldering all day lol..

Lmao i just re-re-read that switch statement

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Demetric Bond


DB-r repair is the guy u were referring to he's a good guy.

252-333-7295 is his new number i believe.

[email protected]

Wait, Chris isn't over at DB-r anymore? Or is it a multi person business? I always pictured it as a garage based business. I've also had great experiences with Db-r.

I have called that number before and it says it was disconnected. Edited by pmureika

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Bond is a real good guy, he also fixed a soundigital 8k for me, he only lives like 45 minutes away from me, from what I've seen, most stetsom blow from operator error,even my set-up, I can't blame the amp or the company if mine blows because they don't advise half ohm nominal...I know they get damaged a lot during shipping from brazil, both of mine where, if I had hooked them up without Bond correcting what was damaged in shipping, I'd be in the same boat as a lot of people that have these amps blow on start up. Another thing about the technology in stetsom, you have to let the caps charge, especially in the big amps with all those caps and high rail voltage. I have a remote switch that I can turn the amps on/off with. When I first turn on the radio, I leave the amps off for about 3 minutes to let the caps charge, hope this helps.

If you were aware how capacitors work . . . . Shit, nevermind.

This was told to me by Steve Hasenbein, he was the first person in North America to run Stetsom amps, he use to be the east coast stetsom rep, he runs a pair of stetsom 14k2e's as well, the 2ohm version, he has ran his with no issues for over 2 years, wired at .7 nominal with a 3 times rise, and clamps over 13k each...I'm not a tech guy and have no idea how the caps work inside the amp, just following the instructions of a guy that's ran the amp for years with no issues

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I believe what he was saying is that if the amp is off, the caps will not charge.

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I believe what he was saying is that if the amp is off, the caps will not charge.

No, caps charge and discharge almost instantly. The spark you get when you first hook up a power wire, that's the caps charging. They will remain charged (or charging and discharging if operating) as long as main power is applied and keep charge for a while even when main power is disconnected.

Edited by Quentin Jarrell

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Ya! caps hold charge for quite a while..

I bought a refurb'd sundown 100.4 from DB-r one time and when i was tightening one of the speaker wires, the screw driver shaft touched both the speaker wire terminal and heatsink at the same time and SHOCK, POP, ARC all in my face.

Keep in mind the inline fuse on the power wire wasn't even in yet.

So i called up DB-r and told him what happened and asked if i could have damaged something..

He said not likely, laughing while telling me, these sundown amps have a lot of capacitance inside and that's what you seen discharge when the driver hit the heatsink.

Of course i can touch it all i want to now(at that time) because i just discharged em all, hehe.

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I saw a Stetsom 11K2 D get very smokey last week at a local competition, no known cause for the problem :P

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Here are pics of the amp I mentioned.



Edited by skappascrap

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Those look like burned up transformers plus mosfets. Hard to say what started first .

Edited by pmureika

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Looks about like mine when it lit up lmao.

low impedance?

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Dont buy if you need service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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