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WTB 20' QUALITY 4 gauge power wire

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Hey guys, I know this is kind of a lame thread created for the product, but I thought I'd give it a shot. Never know if anyone has spare wire that they don't need and wouldn't mind getting rid of it. I'm looking to buy 4 gauge power wire, preferabally in two different colors for my amp. The wire should be able to handle at max 150A of current. And as you guessed, I'm trying to get a cheap price on it since I'm running tight on cash. I'm looking for about 15' on one wire and 5' on the other. I know I'm knit picking right now, but I'd appreciate it if they were OFC and somewhat name brand (KnuKonceptz, Stinger, Kicker, RF). I'll pay $20 for it all. Thanks again!

Edited by Ndnkobra

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