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Sundown sax100.4D

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Hi, i am selling my Sundown Audio sax100.4D I have decided to get something to get something smaller so i can put my amp in my bucket seat in my truck. possibly looking at getting a sax125.4. anyway the amp has upgraded rca inputs to be able to use higher end rca cables that have a tighter bite to them(monster cable for example) without taking the grounding shield off when you take of the rca's and that was done by db-r. the amp is 100% functional and maybe 8 out of 10 for looks. just mostly minor scratches. i would like to get at least $250 for it. Paypal is preferred. and thank you for looking And sorry if breaking rules about posting the pictures. i forgot how to.



Edited by SouthPole1989

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Hi, i am selling my Sundown Audio sax100.4D I have decided to get something to get something smaller so i can put my amp in my bucket seat in my truck. possibly looking at getting a sax125.4. anyway the amp has upgraded rca inputs to be able to use higher end rca cables that have a tighter bite to them(monster cable for example) without taking the grounding shield off when you take of the rca's and that was done by db-r. the amp is 100% functional and maybe 8 out of 10 for looks. just mostly minor scratches. i would like to get at least $250 for it. Paypal is preferred. and thank you for looking And sorry if breaking rules about posting the pictures. i forgot how to.




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