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ken x889 or pio 860mp???.....comparison

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Boycott Sony...

Also, isn't there an Alpine or something in that comparable?


Sony puts spyware on their audio CD's (and tried to lie about it); even if you say no, it still load's itself deep into Windows. The fix opens up you computer for attacks.

Now, I never was a big fan of Sony anyway, but there's sure as hell nothing great about Sony ever since they released the Xplode series...

I'll stick with a factory radio (with a L.O.C. and line driver) before I would use a Sony Xplode radio...


ok, well, at least u have a reason.

but the upper level sony's...starting with the 605x, are definitely worth a look. i'm seriously looking at the 805...BUT the 2006 clarion 755 is a sweet looking lil bastage too!

not too mention i get a deal on either one..lol..

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Kent backing up sony...i thought id never see the day.

well, i've always like the mobile es stuff...

and except for the skipping, loved my sony deck...


i will never, ever like a (non mobile es) sony amp, speaker or sub on the market today. even though i install quite a few of them.i'll never buy them.

sony h/u's though....i'll back them up just about everyday...lol..

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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LMAO @ Dave Navarro :D

I could just see him and Richard Clark in the same room...hehe

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