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If I have the sub in a 1.5 net cb ft sealed box. At what wattage does it start to really get loud?

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There is no set point where it becomes "really loud."

Use what ever power you have available.

In a perfect world where impedance, cooling, and power compression don't come into play:


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I'm just saying cause I'm feeding it about 600 watts right now And it doesn't get to loud.

I find that hard to believe.... Maybe your gains aren't set properly? I had a 12" Icon on 500 watts and it was crazy loud sealed.... But your vehicle is different so maybe it's reacting differently.... who knows. I currently have a 15" Xcon on my BC3500d @ 2ohms ... And it is plenty loud but I will eventually port it for a but more push!

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I'm just saying cause I'm feeding it about 600 watts right now And it doesn't get to loud.

The xcon can take more power that then, but it doesn't necessarily need it. If you want more output then consider using a larger ported enclosure. If space is an issue, then use more power.

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What vehicle is it installed in? Where is the driver positioned, and facing? What amp?

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Probably used to hearing distortion which sounds loud. In that driver in that scenario you aren't hearing the muddy confusion.

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Maybe you expect too much out of a single sealed 12" ?

Some ideas ;

  • Try a ported box.
  • Use aeroports too save space if the trunk is small.
  • Change box position : fire the sub through the rear.
  • more power
  • work on the electrical part of your install to feed the amplifier (!)

Good luck, and tell us what you did.

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I'm guessing it's just power cause I put a shitty 10" visonik in there in a box way samaller and it's way louder. The box is plenty strong and it's a hatchback so it's flowing. Maybe it needs to break in some more? Idk.

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I'm guessing it's just power cause I put a shitty 10" visonik in there in a box way samaller and it's way louder.

Well then something is not right for sure.

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Why do you have a sealed box? Why do you have it wired to 4 ohms and not 1?

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It's in a sealed cause that's what I was going to run it in another vehicle and I wanted to see what it would sound like also they only take 3-4 hours to design and make. It's wired at 4 cause I only have 4 gauge wire ATM ran to Tge amp

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It's in a sealed cause that's what I was going to run it in another vehicle and I wanted to see what it would sound like also they only take 3-4 hours to design and make. It's wired at 4 cause I only have 4 gauge wire ATM ran to Tge amp

Ported will be considerably louder but it should still be pretty loud sealed. I would wire to one ohm, 4 gauge isn't ideal but it will work. Have you had sealed enclosures before, or is this your first experience with one?

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Um the visonik is sealed and my friends Memphis is in a small sealed box and his is loud. I have ward quite. Few then again the only sub setup I had besides the visonik was a trek csx 15 wired at 1.8 ohm on the same amp

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Have you tried firing the xcon back instead of up?

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  • ok so today i hooked it up to 1 ohm. it didnt seem much louder. but the sub was moving alot more. also i cant turn the amps gain past 5/8 because a wierd popping noise accures. i dont know what im doing wrong but this is the first time any of this has accured. i moved the sub around and found amming it towards the front is the best but it seems it may all be the amp cause at low to medium volumes there is no bass. i have heard competing subs to this one and im assuming its something i did cause its not competeing may be that it is sealed?

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  • ok so today i hooked it up to 1 ohm. it didnt seem much louder. but the sub was moving alot more. also i cant turn the amps gain past 5/8 because a wierd popping noise accures. i dont know what im doing wrong but this is the first time any of this has accured. i moved the sub around and found amming it towards the front is the best but it seems it may all be the amp cause at low to medium volumes there is no bass. i have heard competing subs to this one and im assuming its something i did cause its not competeing may be that it is sealed?

I say port it and it will most likely be what you are looking for.

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