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BP? SA12s

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Specs where provided from an old friend whos been doing SPL and bandpasses for a long time, just wanted to see some other sundown people input, maybe sean will poke his head in here. The specs I was given was 5.7cuft 1:1 50sqin of port area 8" long.

After the suggested BP design I "tried" to mock one up in sketch up. I probably got this all wrong but here is a picture of it with some area's left out to view the measurements. I shortened the port based on 1 shared wall, the way I got the length of the port of 5.25" is that I calculated the box like a standard ported box with torres calc at 50sqin 8" long, got the resulted tuning, then changed it to 1 shared wall, accounting for the difference of 4.5Hz I then adjusted the port lower in length till the same (within .01) tuning was obtained. I hope that made sense. Anyway here is the diagram/photo any input would be helpful as this is my first attempt at doing a BP design and I just kinda winged it based on the data given to me of 1:1 with 50sqin of port area 8" long.


The box is 1:1 2.9cuft sealed, 2.9cuft ported 50sqin of port area shortened the port length as detailed above.


Edited by All4Spl

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Have you modeled it yet? Taking a stab with a ratio of ported to sealed and choosing a vent is meaningless. Just going by the ratio is very meaningless.

You need to get the T/S parameters of those drivers and plug-n-chug in a modeling program. This is the only way you can see if what you are doing is going to work.

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