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Not impressed with image dynamics components.

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I just installed the ctx65cs component set running of an old Memphis amp. They are seeing 55rms and I am not happy with the sound. Tweeters sound muddy whenever the bass hits, and the mids are severely lacking. I've tried everything on the amps adjustments and every level position for the tweeters, -3, 0, +3. The only way they can sound good is with the gain turned down to where they can't keep up with my subwoofer. Before, I ran infinity reference 6x8s and they had more bass, clearer highs, kept up with the subwoofer, and sounded much better than these. And they were running off stock head unit power. I tried bridging them and they sounded the same. What am I doing wrong?

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ID rarely impresses me. As with all other components the install is more important than the set though so if what you are saying is true it's time to step that up.

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What you're describing actually sounds like the amp or HU is clipping on bass notes. Bass hitting shouldn't affect the sound of the tweeters at all unless it is driving a signal component over the edge. The big clue was that you said it stopped happening when you turned the gain down. It sounds like you're expecting too much from those speakers with the power that you're giving them. Either replace the speakers with some that are more efficient allowing you to keep the gain where it should be to prevent clipping, or get these speakers a bigger amp.

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What type of sound processing do you have? Or is it straight off the factory radio?

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Sounds like that stock head unit isn't cutting it. You could try to swap the infinity's back in with the amp and see what happens.

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Yeah, they are too underpowered, many times people complain about how they sound until they can fully push them, then they love them.

Edited by b34tBoX

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