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Bizzy Beats

How big of a port for 4 18" mayhems?

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I have been looking at Builds trying to plan a box for 4 18" mayhems but I noticed that Steve has a tiny port for his 4 18"s in his Tahoe. how is it possible that he hits so hard with a small port? could I use a box like this and get the same results?

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He's really all not that loud for what he has.. lol...

I wouldn't want the same results as him.

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4 18s on 30k only doing a 57. No thanks.

Try to shoot 300-350 sq in.

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x'2 ^^

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I Don't really have enough Room for that much port area. would it be better to have 4 15"s with the right amount of port area or 4 18"s with a port like steves?

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Ok, I'm going to help you out a little bit here.

1: STOP comparing your system to SMD's ok. Once you have done that, then progress will begin to happen. I promise.

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How about some goals, power on tap, and space available.

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I Don't really have enough Room for that much port area. would it be better to have 4 15"s with the right amount of port area or 4 18"s with a port like steves?

Then scrap the idea of 4 18's then. Me personally, I'll be damned if I pay for 4 18's and then not even use them to their full potential. That's a waste of money. If you want them just to say "I have 4 18's" then sure, we can't change your mind. If you want the most effective use of your equipment you will plan for something smaller.

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my goals are to have a daily system that will kill the lows. but I will also want to get past 55:) I don't exactly how much space I have but it will be going in a Tahoe. I will have about 3k rms per sub. how would the sp4 18" do sealed?

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my goals are to have a daily system that will kill the lows. but I will also want to get past 55:) I don't exactly how much space I have but it will be going in a Tahoe. I will have about 3k rms per sub. how would the sp4 18" do sealed?

IDK (about the SP4's) but I'd bet 4 15's ported in an optimal enclosure would perform equally if not better for less money.

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here is a scenario i had in my car so you be the judge of 4 15s vs 4 18s.

Remember, i only had 2 batteries and stock alt so my db numbers are low because of that.

4 15s

1082A of current draw

144sqin of port(very small)

13.5cuft NET volume

153.4db at headrest

3 15s

781A of current draw

280sqin of port

12.5cuft NET volume

153.4db at headrest

So let's evaluate-

both setups equal same score, exactly..

So, i dropped 1 sub (177sqin of cone area) and increased port area by 135sqin = 280sqin of port.

I then also increased volume per driver from 3.375 to 4.16cuft

BUT.. i cut output power from 1082A to only 781A.


more cone area, less volume, more power = less cone area, bigger volume, less power.

In your situation, your power will be the same.

In my 4 15 install, i was only using 11sqin of port per cube in a sense.

the 3 15 install was using 22.4sqin of port per cube.

Doubling the port area and decreasing power usage by only 28% and decreasing cone area by 25% netted same output.

You be the judge.

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