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Dunno if there is any forum rules about discussion of drugs but, if there is go ahead and delete it. Even though this particualy one isnt illegal.

Anyway, Im wondering if any of you have ever tried salvia. What was your experence, What kind of trip did you have? Everywhere ive read it takes high doses toreach LSD or Shroom like visual perceptions, however you also cannot overdose on Salvia.

Some say that high doses make you take tripe into the universe and life itsself and you come out with a greater understanding.

Im not going to lie, ive done shrooms but wouldnt tought LSD with a 10ft pole as there are no recorded flashbacks with shrooms and there are plenty with LSD. I no longer do them.

I have a paper i have to write soon and i have to choose the topic. Im either going to do stereo or mind altering drugs. Salvia is perfectly legal (even if you are under 18) if bought as "incense" but cab bring trips like acid.

What are your thoughts on the movement to make it illegal. It has little or no tar in the smoke and has no residue. There are no withdraw symptoms (sapposeably) and no recorded flash backs. It was used by ancient cultures for Medicinal and pyso altering purposes. It can be injested or smoked in a pipe, hooka, or bong (joints donot concentrate the smoke well enough or burn hot enough).

1oz can be bought on Ebay for like $17 shipped. it only takes about a gram (they say) to bring on a good trip.

ready, set, discuss.

Edited by CBFryman

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I get my high from adrenaline not from drugs.

Drugs is a touchy subject, stick to the stereo

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i love adreneline. i love it like you wouldnt know. However, Adreneline isnt pscyo altering past a certian point and also cant relax you. If Weed wasnt so high in Tar and didnt have withdraw symptoms i would smoke it on ocassion. However Sports and achedemic load keep me straight.

Slavia, however, is like a rush of mind activity then back to normal. In low doses it is a Sativa like high. in higher doses it becomes more of an Acid type high except for its a muscular depressant making it up to 3 times harder to move.

To be honest i am up for some first hand experence, especailly if i do the paper. However i want to hear some experence from people i trust more than random sites on the internet.

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This has been covered on Chitaudio.com more times then I'd care to count.

achedemic load keep me straight.

academic? ;)

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Go ahead, use it as a suppository.

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If you follow my advice, consider it modern day natural selection. You can figure out what end your on.

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No chit. This isn't pucking crapaudio.com!

GTFO with this... rediculous...

Also, there's only been 10092038023 threads about this on crapaudio.com


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this is about a research paper, not a "hay i wanna get high legally" thread

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What's your thesis, or is this just more of a "here's what it is" paper.

An interesting paper topic, IMO, would be making a hypothesis into why certain drugs are classified as they are, like marijuana, vs. now-legal drugs like salvia.

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You'll trip up your butt.


Never done it. Never will. I moved out of my experimentation stage many moons ago.

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What's your thesis, or is this just more of a "here's what it is" paper.

An interesting paper topic, IMO, would be making a hypothesis into why certain drugs are classified as they are, like marijuana, vs. now-legal drugs like salvia.

My thesis is that Salvia long iwth other "soft" drugs should either be kept legal or made legal.

However if want to further research it before i say it is worth of being (staying) legal. I already beleive Marijuana should be legal. It has obvious pain killing porperties and smoking through some sort of filtering device does abotu the same amount of damage as clove ciggaets or cigars. The killing of the brain cells is another issue, however, and also when used in heavy doses for long periods of time it makes aperson almost worthless to society, of course alot of the pople that are usless to society already are heavy Mary J smokers :runlaugh:

Other "soft" drugs such as shrooms which are (when done with common sence and moderation) psycoaltering should be made legal under tighter restrictions than Tobbaco, Alcohol, or Sativa (marijuana). The only arguement agianst shrroms besides the obvious overdose capeability is the fact that it takes you completely out of your mind. Not exactly safe. Then agian there isnt a whole lot of differnce as far as communication with the "real" world when compared to heavy alcohol intoxication. Different high, same danger weither it be upper or downer.

On top of that OTC drugs can be taken to get the same type of trip such as Cold Cough and Congestion, Dymatap, Sudafed, etc... They contain one of the main ingredeants that makes you get high off of Crystal Meth. Though Meth is a "hard" drug and is quite dangrous to make.

Overall i think that people should be allowed to get high if they want to get high as long as htey hurt no one besides their self in the process. That the one point of view that i have that is very liberal. :lol2:

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My suggestion; work on your writing mechanics :)

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My suggestion; work on your writing mechanics :)

Not sure I even want to know what sort of class this could be for.

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English III

people are doing paperso n everything from abortion to the efects of teen drinking on social life and achedemic performance.

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My suggestion; work on your writing mechanics :)

Why, is someone grading posts? :huh2:

Its for English III

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good thing 99% of my posts are basically "brain stroms" or free writing with no re-read. lol.

mind you this is a public HS as well...lol.

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