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Pawn Shop Find: MMATS Juggernaut 12 Info/Specs?

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Browsing around at a pawn shop around town and i came across this sub hidden in a corner.

Owner wanted $90 for it talked him down to $70 lol.

So now i'm trying to find any specs or t/s parameters on it just out of curiosity. I have already emailed MMATS. Anyone have any experience with this sub? Im assuming it's rather old by the looks of it.




Edited by BREEZE919

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Its one of the older ones. The motors alone usually command more than you paid.

Don't have T/S off hand but damn good find.


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Yea, I see that the newer 12 spoke versions run near $600 new so i figured it had to be a steal for under $100.

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I'm pretty sure they didn't know what they had, the sub was mounted in a small sealed pre-fab enclosure and im sure the shop owners never bothered to take it out and inspect it.

I thought it would have dawned on him when he almost broke his back trying to lift the enclosure off the floor! lol

Edited by BREEZE919

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Tested it yet?


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Yea, i tested it in the sealed enclosure it came in on my little crunch 600.2 and it worked.

I was suprised at how much excursion i was seeing off that small amount of power, maybe due to the fact that it's old and the suspension is wearing or just because it isn't meant to be sealed?

The suspension feels pretty stiff when pressing down on the center of the cone so maybe it's not as worn as i think.

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Only thing i could notice was a small amount of tinsel lead slap while in the sealed enclosure.

After removing it and looking it over i saw that two of the leads were somewhat flimsy and kind of flopped around when i free-aired it. Also there are two very small tears on the spider surface where it looks like the two more loose leads had been rubbing against it.

I built a 2.3 cubic ft ported enclosure for it tuned to 34Hz with 2 4 inch round ports and it sounds decent. Won't know how good of a condition it is in until i can put real power to it, hopefully i'll be able to hook it up to my cousins AP3000 in the next week or so and see how it performs.

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Pretty sure these are for your model as they recomened the D50hc for it

Impedance 1.4 per coil

Paralleled Impedance .70

FO 42.322 Hz

SD 53.200m sqM

KRM 3.967m Ohm

ERM 0.837

KXM 14.667m Ohm

EXM 0.733

VAS 27.683 Liter

CMS 68.881u M/N

MMD 198.254 g

MMS 205.309 g

BL 8.918 TM

QMS 7.814

QES 0.480

QTS 0.453

NO 0.422 %

SPL 1watt/1meter 88.275 db

PE 800 watts

Mounting Depth 6.75.

Cutout Diameter 11.

Speaker Displacement .3 cubic ft.

IMPORTANT: MMATS Pro Audio recommends an enclosure box of 2.5 cubic

feet of NET Volume Displacement per Jugg 12 with a 30 sq. in. port 16. long.

This would result in an enclosure size of approximately 3.2 cubic feet gross. If

the enclosure is not to spec then you risk the integrity of the speaker as a

result of mechanical failure and/or burned voice coil(s)!!

The recommended amplifier is a D50HC paralleled to both voice coils

resulting in an impedance of approximately 2/3 ohms. If you have any

questions concerning the correct application of this driver, please call your

MMATS Authorized Dealer or David Thompson at 561-848-7578 ext 600.

Please Note . We have performed extensive testing with the application of this

driver. This subwoofer is designed to match up and handle the output power

from a D50HC only. This competition subwoofer has a 1-year parts and labor

warranty with free return freight however a burned voice coil failure will not be

covered under warranty.

Edited by jj1479

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Thanks jj, I'm not sure if those t/s parameters are correct either. According to Dave at MMATS the t/s parameters left their building YEARS ago. But he suggested 4.5 net with 50 square inches of port @ 18 inches long. Im assuming he got the 15 mixed up with the 12 , but either way they are the same enclosure recommendations as the current line.

When i asked about the power handling I was told it should be good up to about 1000 watts so those could be correct. Having the correct t/s parameters is not a major concern but would be nice to have. I'm just trying to find as much information about this driver so i know what it is i have in front of me.

Anyone know the production run of these models?

I found this review from back in 1999 of the 15" Juggernaut by Car Sound & Performance : http://www.carsound....bs/juggrnt.html

Im no expert but isn't a bl of 8.9 pretty low for a driver with a "loud" reputation?

Edited by BREEZE919

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