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Free air subwoofer install, who has done one (or more?)

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I like being able to comfortably fit two golf bags & pull carts in my trunk. A free air install in the rear deck would allow me to retain the vast majority of my cavernous trunk. Having only played with the idea in a large enough wall enclosure that it may as well have been free-air, I'd like to hear experiences.

It wouldn't be a huge loss to tuck a 1.5' box in the trunk, so if infinite baffle is more trouble then it's worth, please say so.



woofer specs:

FS: 47hz

Qts 0.593

Qes 0.635

Qms 8.935

Vas 3.34L

Wrms 500

The suspension & motor control are strong.

I know what BassBoxPro says, I also know its incredibly outdated, thank you though.

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I don't believe Free-air and infinite baffle are the same, so that may confuse some, but it seems you want infinite baffle.

Not sure how great that driver would be with that fs. What's the xmax and sd? Obviously IB setups aren't designed for loudness, but they generally do require a good bit of cone area.

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Nick, what are you listening to? I'd personally pick a different driver, but that's me. IMO, for IB, it's all about displacement.

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8", 33mm one way xmax, BL in the 20. tm range.

Primarily Jazz, Dance, Hip Hop / Pop / Rap, and occasional country or classical.

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I know what you're looking at. You'll still be better off with a larger driver. Can you make a larger one work?

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Pretty much can't use an 8 for sub bass IB.

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need a spare?

could do a fiberglass box in the spare tire well. or perhaps you could keep the spare and create a false floor.

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