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Help building enclosure for 12" RD Alpha V2

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I built the box that my SSA 12" Icon is in right now originally for my 12" RD Alpha V2, which the box is 2.3 cubes tuned to 33hz. Just the basic "L" shaped port.

I found an ad on KSL for a box build that said he could build me a custom ported box for $250, when I know if I can get help from you guys that I could build it for less than half that, plus he said that "You should probably go with two 10" subs since the 12" subs have a harder time keeping up" which made me really want to do my own box and not this joker. I listen to mostly techno, rap, hip hop, and heavy metal. Should I basically build the same box again or should I build a different box? I want a box that will make the sub louder than it is now on the types of music I listed but still sound good with the chest pounding bass.

I can get the measurements of my trunk tomorrow to let you know what size of box I can fit back there and here is a video of my RD Alpha V2 in the box before I got my Icon, enjoy smile.png

Edited by Crash

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Huh? You have an Icon & an RD and have a box but aren't using it? What's the question?

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