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Flakko.. You know I couldn't wait! I made a few calls! I have to say way to go with the company you picked for OEM ing these for you! Good stuff.. Ohh and they should be out by the end of April! Hehe Sould I drop the bomb about who will be making these? Ohh can I canI please? Not trying to get anyone in hot water though!!!! HEHEHEHE


Edited by SKunk9381

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Ohh come on.. It was published in the 12 volt magazine! How F-ing secret is that.. and I didnt drop the bomb on who is making them. It wouldnt hurt to get a little interest going would it?

Edited by SKunk9381

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ok ok ok lol calm down ;)

i was just explaining what eldorado said.

edit: im totally fine with the buzz :fing34:

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People comment with out knowing the facts... You really think I would have said anything if I knew it was a secrete(published PUBLIC documents do not keep things secret!). I have not said anything about the Manufacturer which I was told was a SECRET! I just wanted people to talk about it! Tell your friends. Its good business for everyone. I run a business and I understand the penaltys of such infractions.. aka law suite for costing company profits ect.. Word to the wise. I would never screw anyone! Better yet if everyone would like to we can delete this post? Yes?

Am I mad? Yes.. I do not like people questioning my integrity! I do enjoy a laugh though!

Cant we all just get along???

Edited by SKunk9381

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