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Pic of the ENTIRE IAK Family

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Hey guys.. i'm working up a video that will be made in a couple months or so and want\need to see what we can do about getting a pic of ALL of us together in one big pic including me as well.

All the people that showed up to Slam.. all the others that didn't, etc..

Don't worry if one pic can't get everybody in, we can get multi pics and i can edit them in place.

For those who do not live near Indy, can you send me a full body pic from head to toe so I can work on moving it into the pic?

I want to build a massive group pic representing IAK along with the build i'm nearing to completion soon this year.

Effort was over 100% given to me as well to others at the show and throughout the life of IAK and much is appreciated.

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Awesome idea bro! I will circulate this on the IAK fb page as well......or you could if you'd like ;-)

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Maybe we can get something up at the event in October, I'm going!

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i am down for this i was thanking the same at slamology,but due to my DQ i got drunk and forgot.....i will send pics of brenda and i if needed.we are planing to hit at leace one more comp.....

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all of them?

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All of IAK, yes i know.. humungous... But that's the point.. IAK is no joke!

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sean.....any ideas to push this through? i think it will be very challenging.

do u have any pics submitted currently?

we have a iasca 1x event sunday...i will try to gather some then.

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Cool man! Yea just get as many as u can, i can do the editing here.

Also.. for those who love the old school Three 6 Mafia - Late Nite tip song...

Yea, back in the day, it got played out WAY TOO MUCH for bass demos.. Thank God that time has now passed, :)

What did i do? uh oh....

Well, you know how i like to mod music.. Well, i particularly do not like to touch classics because memories of the original can't be surpassed with a remake...

Well, that's how i think so i knew if i were to do this.. it better be beneficial...


The HIGH Range has been re-tweaked to make the song sound more energetic when playing loud rather than subtle and low on your all's amazing front stage...

Another thing, :) , the bass portions, all 3 bass lines have been re-amplified to an even stronger feel...

How about another 6dB of boost? Hells to the Yea!

And last but not least.. Every so many seconds in the original, the song wanted to go way off course and try to peak between 60-110hz..

We don't need that annoying bass line in the song.. It caused subs to heatup quicker, etc..

So, i attenuated that range down about 12db and listened to it carefully afterwards.. And i gotta say....

The remake.. A LOT BETTER than the original! I think Chuck will have a new demo song to play for some people, :)

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Bumpin this to get people motivated & remember this is happening @ the finals in Indy.

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Did not see this till now, I am hyped to hear it.

The pic, dunno, I was excited about it as well, however, have not seen anyone jump forward with it.

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