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10 inch Chaos for Home Use

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I have a high quality 2 channel stereo system at home and use a subwoofer to give the bottom end a boost.

My sub is fitted with an RE Audio SR10 drive unit and powered with a 500 watt amplifier.

Do you think a 10 inch AA Chaos would give an improvement to the sound quality, the enclosure is sealed by the way.

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nett volume of the sealed box ?is there wool in it ? are there bracings in the box ?what kind of amplifier (brand model)

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After taking off the displacement for the driver I am left with 0.5 cu ft sealed box, no wool, fully braced.

Amplifier is a BK Electrics model BSBPV500 made in UK - 500 watts rms 1000wats peak into 4 ohms.

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you will gain little besides perhaps the benefits of another motordesign .

you could fit an linkwitz transform (cap) of 1,2 mF on the Chaos or 2,8 mF for the SR10 ..

in which case I'd favor the chaos

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What is an linkwitz transform (cap) of 1,2 mf, how will this help

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in essence a linkwitz transform is a capacitor placed on the + side of the speakercable , it can compensate for a closed box that is too small for the driver or extending bass response .

there are some drawbacks , the speaker will behave more like its in an ported box , so groupdelay will go up and phaseshifing is less favorable but in return it will play the low notes quite a bit louder

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My amp gives 6db boost at either 20hz 25 hz or 30 hz, I have it set to give the boost at 25hz so I do get a fairly flat response,

What I am really after is better quality sound hence my question would a Fi or AA unit be better

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I have never heard an RE SR10 , so in that respect all I can say is that the Chaos line is very well build and sounds exceptionally good in a good enclosure

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SR10 is a good driver. You may get some gain from the Chaos 10, since your amp has boost and may be pushing the SR beyond its mechanical ability.

Your box is really restricting you. That is a really small box for home use. In a car, the smaller box is ok. The roll off on the low end is compensated by cabin gain. No cabin gain in a large room.

I would switch to the Chaos and build a larger box (or at least add polyfill to the one you have).

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A cap in series isn't a linkwitz transform. It is a highpass filter that slightly moves the response curve to the left and gives a 5th-6th order roll-off. Infinity used to do it alot in many of their speakers in the 80's and 90's.

Also, did you mean 1.2uf (microfarad) or did you mean 1.2mf? (milifarad) 1.2 microfarad will roll sub of around 5Kz, 1.2 milifarad around 20Hz. Don't put a 1.2uf(!) cap in series with the woofer.... And if you are talking about a 1.5milifarad cap, good luck finding one! You'll have to put a few huge electrolytics together (but they may not handle the power) or an ass load of film caps, that will be some serious$$...

A linkwitz transform will be an Eq circuit that is the inverse of the roll-off below resonance. So if you are down say 12db at 20 Hz, it introduces 12db of gain at 20Hz and so on and so on. This is normally used in a sealed alignment that operates entirely under resonance. It takes an ass-load of power to get loud low with it also... It is an active circuit before the amplifier.

I used a linkwitz transform with one of my XXX 18s in a .5ft3 sealed alignment with 2.5 KW. It worked OK, but you loose alot of output compared to a more efficient, larger alignment...

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