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Alright well does it matter what voice coil gets wired first? I got a ssd15 and it has 3 out of 4 stickers were black... you know the stickers that say pos or neg... but i need to wire my dual 2 to 1 ohm and wanted to make sure it didnt matter what terminal was first

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so there isn't any indication of polarity on one of the coils! well that isn't good. But since one of your coils is labelled that is good and we can use that as a reference.

Here is what you do:

-get a 9v battery and hook it up to the marked coil (pos and neg) and see which way the cone moves, either in or out.

-then take that 9v battery and hook it up to the unmarked side and make the cone move in the same direction as the marked voice coil.

once you get the cone moving in the right direction simply note which one is positive and go from there!

does that make sense?

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Should be the same thing on both sides, look at the colors, if its red left black right on on side, then its the same on the other, my subs are like that. its like an X



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or if you post this in the Fi section I am sure some one can help you out. also take a picture and that should help out a lot!!!

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Post some pics.

This how it should be.


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Yeah its like pmureikas picture, my Fis are like that, this old sub i wired for my buddy the other day had the X pattern thing with the coils.

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