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Amish Marauder

do you think 400wrms is too much for DA D971's?

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Hey I have a 400wrms x2 amp and I'm picking up a set of

Diamond Audio D971 comps.

This is a dumb question most likely but the constant rating is 200wrms and the max is 400wrms for the comps.

If I throw them on my orion amp pushing 400 wrms into each channel with the gains set low do you guys think they could deal with it? I'd hate to buy another amp.

I can run them off of 100wrms each but then I'm not feeding them enough power....its a catch 22.

what would you do?

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You should be fine as long as you adjust accordingly.

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Nope not a catch 22, use the big amp and enjoy the headroom!

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Nope not a catch 22, use the big amp and enjoy the headroom!

really?? wow I didn't think it would be a good idea. I'm glad I asked though. I really didn't want to buy a 400watt amp to replace my big orion.

Thanks guys. :runlaugh:

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Beware though. Don't just blindly set your gains or eventually you will hurt something. As an example, I have a 75w amp on my tweets set the gain at 20 and have turned it way down from there. Use a DMM or a REALLY WELL TUNED ear, clipping isn't always so easy to pick up.

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Beware though.  Don't just blindly set your gains or eventually you will hurt something.  As an example, I have a 75w amp on my tweets set the gain at 20 and have turned it way down from there.  Use a DMM or a REALLY WELL TUNED ear, clipping isn't always so easy to pick up.

point taken. I plan to set the gain up conservatively. My system is being built for SQ so I don't need 'em blasten anyway. I just need them to be blended, realistic, and highly accurate.

I'm selling my Dynaudio System 260's or I should say they are sold.

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