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help with my decisions!

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Alright well iv decided to get a 15"ssd with a soundstream rub1600. I need power wire... and should i get a capacitor?... i have all stock electrical. But i ordered a volt meter to watch and make sure my voltage dosnt go to low... but i am thinking a 5 cuft box with pvc ports... tuned to like 35hz... or lower... not sure yet. Possibly square interchangable ports.. its going in a tundra access cab.. any ideas? I have a sheet of like 3/8" plastic for a window in the box. Possible leds in the box... not sure yet but def a window. So any crazy ideas to make this build original? Im 18 but pretty skilled with a saw and router.. let me know.

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I wouldn't combine more than RMS power and a box larger than the factory recommends. I would stick to 4 cubic feet. What type of music do you listen to most of the time?

Do not get a capacitor. It is a waste of money. What vehicle to you have? There is a chance you can get away with simply adding an extra battery, but there is also a solid chance you'll need a High Output alternator.

I can't say much about the viewing window. Never added one personally. The only thing that would concern me is the plastic window flexing with the pressure from the subwoofer.

Do you have dimensions for your box and ports?

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Alright well iv decided to get a 15"ssdGood choice in sub with a soundstream rub1600. I need power wire... and should i get a capacitor?Don't waste your money on a capacitor... i have all stock electrical. But i ordered a volt meter to watch and make sure my voltage dosnt go to low.If it goes low be prepared to buy at least a second battery, you could very well need an HO alt as well, it will all depend on listening habits, amp efficiency and such.. but i am thinking a 5 cuft box with pvc ports... tuned to like 35hz... or lower... not sure yet.Go a little smaller, frequency of tune is probably fine. Possibly square interchangable ports.I wouldn't mess with this unless you planned on competing, and if you plan on competing you should definitely bite the bullet now and get the second battery and an HO alt. its going in a tundra access cab.. any ideas? I have a sheet of like 3/8" plastic for a window in the box.3/8" is most likely not thick enough, it's easier to implement and stronger, more reliable to use plexi as thick as the wood you plan on building the box with. Possible leds in the box... not sure yet but def a window. So any crazy ideas to make this build original? Im 18 but pretty skilled with a saw and router.. let me know.

those are my thoughts.... You'll have to decide what you want on your own if you really want it to be original tho.

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If space isn't an issue, I'd rather use a larger enclosure and less power. Less power, and perhaps you wouldn't need to spend additional money on batteries or h/o alts.

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Yeah i didnt add but im going to run the amp at 1 ohm but gained down to about 900-1000 rms... hopefully this would give best quality power... so no cap. Btw im getting the cooling upgrade on the sub. And id like to compete or just go to a comp and check it out... i have no odea where to go tho. But ill stick with like pvc ports. Idk where i want it tuned yet so ill mess with it a little.. some where between 28-35... lol ik big difference but i think the plastic i got is pretty strong. Its not gunna be a big window and like siliconed and bolted all around.. roundish window with rounded edges. But what size power wire do i need for the amp to run at top power? Like ik bigger is better but a less empty wallet is also better... so its going in a 06tundra access cab

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You could try to double up on the plexi... ive never tried it but its worth a shot!!

but the plexi/plastic and led idea will go a long way



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4g wire might be fine.. but i would still go with 1/0 incase u wanna upgrade later on...

this is the kit i bought when i ran my hifonics 2400w amps...


like others said do not get a cap... spend the money on getting another battery for the back

if your only gonna listen to music and no comps tune 33hz... if you plan on goin to some comps tune between 35-38hz...

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So should i get 2 awg? Lol... i dont plan on upgrading after this. So i just need power and ground. So im thinking the tuni.g could be around 35hz. But do i want the port to load off the roof? Or point towards back of seat with the speaker also? And is there any recommendations for an amp thats u.der 250bucks thats 1000+rms? Im ki.da thing the soundstream wont be the best quality if i cnt use the whole thing anyways. Thank you all for the help

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