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Lugs and 2/0 gauge problems

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Hi fellas I have a question that will I'm sure be easy for you to answer. I have never ran bigger than 4 gauge wire, never upgraded the big 3, and never dealt with any of these following products. First the wire I will be ordering is http://www.wireandsupply.com/product_p/sgx-2-fslash-0-fslash-01.htm . The lugs I will be using are http://shop.genuinedealz.com/Marine%20Electrical%20Supply/Tinned%20Copper%20Cable%20Lugs/00%20AWG%20Tinned%20Lug/?sck=12205831 . My question is what size ends should I get, they offer from 1/4 - 5/16 for the 2/0 gauge wire. I plan to use them on the 2/0 gauge upgrading the big 3, I plan to use them on my battery terminals, and I plan to use them on any grounds throughout my setup.

Final question should I ground the 2/0 gauge to the chassis, then run that to a T-block with 4 gauge to the amp as that is the biggest wire the amp will accept? Thank you all for your help. I'm sorry for all the similar posts the last week or two, but I am new to a lot of this stuff and want to make sure I have everything covered before I order from the web. Thanks again

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Either check to see what size ends you'll need or order the smallest hole size a plan to drill them out.

You want the hole size as close to the stud/bolt size as you can get.

Some type of distribution block should be fine, you could also use a nut and bolt to secure the lugs together for the different size cable.

If you do this with the power wire be very careful not to let it ground out, obviously.

I went to a local bouting store and got some remote battery terminals or something like that.

Basically it's a stud incased in plastic, you mount the plastic to whatever and stack the lugs and tighten down the nut.

I can't find any pics of mine.

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