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Had a good turn out and a fun show overall.

There were some minor "hickups" do to a local who was suggesting that they wanted to cause bodily harm to me. In the end a DQ was issued and he acted a fool prior to leaving.

If you in attendance at the show I do apologize for what transpired as I'm sure it could have been handled in many different ways as I look back at it.

As for pictures, I was very pressed for time as my presents was requested all over the place and I was unable to take any. I'm hopping someone there took a few and I will get some via email in the next few days.

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I have some pictures. Mostly lowrider stuff. I was only there for the first 2 hours, then had to jet. I will go through them and delete anything blurred, and then create a Flickr folder for the event.

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Thanks, would be nice to see some pictures. I didn't even get to see everything out there...

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It sure was hot out there today. Glad we brought our tent though!

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I got your camera man..lol I wil be up in Tulsa on Thursday morning if you will be around.

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Thanks for the pics... Tony's truck looked horrible yesterday. I told him we needed to leave the system out, but he wouldn't listen....so it was tossed it Sat night

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After having a day to think about this car show, I want to mention that this was probably one of the worst car shows I have been too. Not because of the quality of the venue, or the cars presented, but the information that was lacking.

I showed up as the doors where supposed to open as I always do so I can get more unobstructed photos, and not have to dodge too many people. There were no signs off the main streets pointing towards a car show. I walked into the entrance and there was one person working the garage door that was accepting both people and cars to be displayed. There was no posting of event happenings, like where the car audio stuff was even going to be done.

I stayed here from 10 AM to about 1230, and nothing was going on, except cars still showing up as I was leaving. I only stayed until 1230 to get a demo from the AudioQ Chevy at the end of my gallery. That was the highlight of the show. One open door demo brought almost everyone from the building over to it.

Just a tip for those who do events like this. Post flyers with event details. The more information the better.

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I agree, I the car show was not handled by us and we were told there would be literature posted to keep traffic going in the correct direction.

I can promise you I(we) were just as disappointed as you. Not to mention the area the sound off was held was horrible and was a last minute choice. While I like working that car show, we need to have longer and more thought out converstatoins to fix those issues...Or I can just take it on and fix them myself..no matter what..I won't let that happen again. Navigation there was simple horrible.

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