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need amps that will run at .5 or 2ohms @2000rms

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hey, i have 2 12" sundown SA'12's soon to be 4 or 6 in total. they are all dual 2 ohm subs, i wanted to know if any 1 has any suggestions for a amp that will give at least 2000-2500 RMS @ .5 ohms or 2 ohms and no more than $400 plus shipping. let me know if you have something your selling under these terms and or let me know if you know any amps that are able of doing the job for my system. thanksadhd.gif

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how about 2 APSM-1300s?

Wire each sub to it's own amp at 1ohm.

Can be had for WELL UNDER $300 shipped.

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if you are going to be adding more for sure, find out what quantity, then just buy one big amp.. 2kw on 4-6 is baby power, :)

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i know it is baby power, but i have to still be considerate cause of where i live at, and uhh you cant wire a dual 2 ohm sub to 1 ohm only .5 and 2 ohms. dual 4 ohm subs are able to do 1ohm to 4 ohm. and i only want to use 1 amp to power my subs and 1 for my highs/mids no need for 3 and 4 amps its not needed. i need a amp strong enough at either 2 ohms "preferred" or .5ohms

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You sir are wrong.

A dual 2 ohm sub can be wired to 1ohm or 4ohm

TWO dual 2 ohm subs can be wired to 0.5 ohm, 2ohm or 8ohm.

It is rather imperative that you choose right now how many drivers you plan on using so the amp choices are narrowed down now rather than keeping your amp options drastically open.

Edited by shizzzon

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You sir are wrong.

A dual 2 ohm sub can be wired to 1ohm or 4ohm

TWO dual 2 ohm subs can be wired to 0.5 ohm, 2ohm or 4ohm.

It is rather imperative that you choose right now how many drivers you plan on using so the amp choices are narrowed down now rather than keeping your amp options drastically open.

I 1% agree with this

Edited by Sencheezy

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I made a typo i just fixed...

2 dual 2 ohm subs are wired to 0.5ohm, 2ohm or 8ohm.

I originally said 4ohm.. i was thinking single sub for some reason when i types the series result for dual drivers.

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I made a typo i just fixed...

2 dual 2 ohm subs are wired to 0.5ohm, 2ohm or 8ohm.

I originally said 4ohm.. i was thinking single sub for some reason when i types the series result for dual drivers.

I agree 100% with this

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i use a mmats 3000.5 for my 2 10" ssa xcons. mmats will do true rms at 13.8 volts, they make a 2000.5, but not for the price you are looking for, most lower quality amps cant do .5ohms so may i suggest saving a bit more and buy something that will be true rms and last you!

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i use a mmats 3000.5 for my 2 10" ssa xcons. mmats will do true rms at 13.8 volts, they make a 2000.5, but not for the price you are looking for, most lower quality amps cant do .5ohms so may i suggest saving a bit more and buy something that will be true rms and last you!

how much is the mmats 2000.5 i can spend about 500 maybe a lil more

i use a mmats 3000.5 for my 2 10" ssa xcons. mmats will do true rms at 13.8 volts, they make a 2000.5, but not for the price you are looking for, most lower quality amps cant do .5ohms so may i suggest saving a bit more and buy something that will be true rms and last you!

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i use a mmats 3000.5 for my 2 10" ssa xcons. mmats will do true rms at 13.8 volts, they make a 2000.5, but not for the price you are looking for, most lower quality amps cant do .5ohms so may i suggest saving a bit more and buy something that will be true rms and last you!

how much is the mmats 2000.5 i can spend about 500 maybe a lil more

i use a mmats 3000.5 for my 2 10" ssa xcons. mmats will do true rms at 13.8 volts, they make a 2000.5, but not for the price you are looking for, most lower quality amps cant do .5ohms so may i suggest saving a bit more and buy something that will be true rms and last you!

pm me and ill give a price, i am a mmats dealer!

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i just PM you

i use a mmats 3000.5 for my 2 10" ssa xcons. mmats will do true rms at 13.8 volts, they make a 2000.5, but not for the price you are looking for, most lower quality amps cant do .5ohms so may i suggest saving a bit more and buy something that will be true rms and last you!

how much is the mmats 2000.5 i can spend about 500 maybe a lil more

i use a mmats 3000.5 for my 2 10" ssa xcons. mmats will do true rms at 13.8 volts, they make a 2000.5, but not for the price you are looking for, most lower quality amps cant do .5ohms so may i suggest saving a bit more and buy something that will be true rms and last you!

pm me and ill give a price, i am a mmats dealer!

i use a mmats 3000.5 for my 2 10" ssa xcons. mmats will do true rms at 13.8 volts, they make a 2000.5, but not for the price you are looking for, most lower quality amps cant do .5ohms so may i suggest saving a bit more and buy something that will be true rms and last you!

how much is the mmats 2000.5 i can spend about 500 maybe a lil more

i use a mmats 3000.5 for my 2 10" ssa xcons. mmats will do true rms at 13.8 volts, they make a 2000.5, but not for the price you are looking for, most lower quality amps cant do .5ohms so may i suggest saving a bit more and buy something that will be true rms and last you!

pm me and ill give a price, i am a mmats dealer!

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pm me and ill give a price, i am a mmats dealer!

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i agree with the nendo or find a used AQ 2200 they would be under ur price and will do .5 all day err day!!!!

but i also agree that u should decide what kind and how many subs ur gonna use before u drop coin on an amp

Edited by BIGJEFF64

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Audioque 2200. I have been running mine at half ohm for months now. Never goes into protect or anything

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A used Sundown Saz-1500d will put out around 2000 watts @ .5 ohms.

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