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Sub not moving...

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Hey guys I just plugged in my Fi Q 12d2 to my sundown SAX-1200(refurbished by db-r) to test and make sure everything is working properly. I have a Audiocontrol LC2i to signal the sundowns RCA to the speaker level wiring of my factory sub to the factory amp. I'm 90% sure I have all the wiring done correctly. The sundown amp remote on is ran from the LC2i output. The sundown amp light turns on when I turn on the car so I'm pretty sure the GTO on the LC2i is working properly. I wired it parallel testing out low volume with the sub just sitting on its magnet and get no sound/vibration. Ill be in the chat room if you guys want to ask questions so I can give you fastest response. Thanks for the help.


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I can't chat at work, so I will suggest using a multi-meter. Put in a test tone, and check each spot you are supposed to have a signal.

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Forgot to mention. Do this with the AC voltage setting.

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Now that I have initially answered here is a detailed responce. Throw in a test frequency. I use a 40Hz, because I use it for my DD-1. Test the AC voltage off of one speaker wire going into the LC2 (but disconnected from the LC2). Turn the volume up until the DMM has a steady signal.

Then reconnect your LC2, and move the DMM leads to the output of the LC2. Increase the Main level on the LC2 until you have a signal on the DMM. Then verify your Low pass filter is turned all the way up, Subsonic all the way down, bass boost and gain all the way down, and disconnect the remote bass knob for now.

Plug in the RCAs to your amp, and move the leads of the DMM to your speaker outputs, and play the same tone, at the same volume, and turn the gain up to see if you get a signal.

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He doesn't have a DMM, we're troubleshooting in the chat right as I type

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Cool, thanks for taking care of him. Been following the build since I have a similar car.

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About to grab a DMM from Ace.

The best ~$20 you will ever spend

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K got the DMM but not entirely sure where to start... I don't have a program or anything to play a single tone just music off my ipod or cd's. One thing to keep in mind is I can't get to the LC2i very easily. If I wanted to disconnect anything or test spots at the LOC I would have to take off the back panel which is not very fun.

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That site has a file at the bottom of the page which is the test tones used for the DD-1. Start by downloading that, and then I have detailed instructions up in post #4.

Thanks Joker. I'm going to try it out in the morning when I have more time to take off panels and such. I'll update the logs after.

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Problem fixed. I was wiring the sub out of phase. Following the 12volt diagrams too literal didn't help. After talking to Nick he set me strait and got them moving. I'll update the log tomorrow with a sample video

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sweet! Wheres that video!

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sweet! Wheres that video!

Video doesn't show much but you can see slight movement. Its on my build log :)

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