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Time for a new head unit

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I have a kenwood unit now that I like because of the iPhone interface and the front panel USB. Problem is that it only has 2.5 volt pre-outs. Dont really care of brand as long as it is name brand and reliable. Cd's are a no go as the vibration from the bass just ejects them now. So I'm looking for something that has USB and preferably iPhone compatible and has 4 volt pre outs. Open to all options and wanna stay around $250-$350ish range. Any help appreciated

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Then what's the purpose for 4 and 8

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Nothing, a higher pre-out voltage wont make your system any louder than a lower pre-out voltage. Your pre-out voltage is what you want to use to set your gain settings on your amplifier, A higher pre-out voltage will allow you to keep our gain turned down and vice versa for a lower pre-out voltage headunit.

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I thought it was for sound quality. But if it allows me to turn down the amps and keep same thump, isn't that what the ultimate goal is? To keep gain down and reproduce the same level?

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Where the gain is has no relevance to how hard the amp is working.


My friend has this one, and it is FANTASTIC!!!

With Built in BT. wink.png


And this is what I would most highly recommend if you can find one.


Edited by bassahaulic

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Not nessasarely a new one if the one I have is good. I like it, but thought the higher preamps would get me better sound quality

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There's a couple on eBay rt now. Round $330-450.

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There's a couple on eBay rt now. Round $330-450.

Get one man. They are great. Read about it.

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I thought it was for sound quality. But if it allows me to turn down the amps and keep same thump, isn't that what the ultimate goal is? To keep gain down and reproduce the same level?

Higher preamp voltage doesn't give you more sound quality.

The gain position has nothing to do with anything, as long as it's properly set & it doesn't cause audible noise (some amps can be noisy with an extremely high gain setting).

The only significant benefit to higher preamp voltage is to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the signal transmission. Which means if you have no audible noise, either from the amp due to gain position or from noise induced into the cable, with your current preamp voltage level.....then increasing preamp voltage is not going to have any audible benefit.

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