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2 questions about setting ur gains

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I know how to set the gains with a DMM by reading the sticky post by im confused on 2 things

1)when setting a 4 channel amp with 2 gains(1 for each 2 channels)how do you get each gain?my amp puts out 75w x 4(@ 4ohm)

2)When it said if ur amp puts out more watts than ur subs can handle use the watts of the subs instead.so lets just say a amp is 1500w @ 2ohm and the subs is 600w each so do i add the watts of the subs and find the square root of them then measure the volts?(For example 600w x 2ohm =1200-squarerooted = 34.6v)

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1) u set each gain to the speakers ur using....basicly set up each gain as though it was a seperate amp, unless ur speakers are all the same then i'd set them to the same voltage. not sure that it's that important to gain match a 4 channel, i think it'll depend on the specific speakers ur using and the power they are rated for.

2)yep. add the subs together.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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